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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii Music Defense Squad (WMDS)


Are you one of the few Wii owners who went out and tried Wii Music, only to find yourself immersed in the creativity and pleasure? Do you try to tell others of your findings, only to get ridiculed and be labled "casual?" Do you want to learn how to deffend your game from the most common attacks, or share your strategies with others? Then join the WMDS!

Here, Wii Music activist will talk about and defend their game against the most common misconceptions of Wii Music. It will be open publicly for Wii Music related debates, either it be sales, playability, fun factor, ect.

Well, I'll just let everyone else contribute to the thread at their own will.

PS: It would be cool if someone could create a logo, or sticky this if we get a few members. Thanks. :)

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Sign me up!

I haven't played it yet... :'( But I'm in! ^^

Here ya go. :)

Hmm interesting, how about making an official Wii music friend code thread instead?

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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Madanial said:

Here ya go. :)

i dont want to ruin your fun squad, but that picture is misleading.

and what is SQUARD?


Madanial said:

Here ya go. :)


That is awesome, even with the typo. Maybe even more so with the typo.

I just thought I'd warn all the Wii Musicians out there, be careful with the timpani, accordian, and bagpipes. They can easily railroad your other instruments off the aural map.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

As long as you use the netherland flag for the background of your logo, I will not join.

Havent bought it yet (poor at the moment) but I'll join the defense squad

Only had a chance to clock up one hour on it so far - but I've been *very* impressed. It feels very deep, easy to play, lots of options - and I love the drumming.

Oh yeah - and I suck at music, so it might take me years to actually get good at it :(

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