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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 might not be able to overtake the 360

MikeB said:
Turin Turambar said:

You know what's really funny MikeB...I just went to Gamestop today (I'm Italian) and the price of the Xbox360 Arcade was 179.80 euros...I thought that 179.80 was closer to 180 than to 149...funny...really funny


I think you may need to look harder:

"Per gli appassionati di videogames poi abbiamo deciso di tenere per ultima la vera chicca della promozione: la famosa Xbox 360 Arcade di casa Microsoft, console tra le più interessanti in circolazione, disponibile sottocosto da Saturn al prezzo esclusivo di 149 euro (la versione a volantino è la Xbox 360 Core Arcade HDMI - Sega Bundle con 5 giochi Arcade e gioco Sega Superstars Tennis). Microsoft sta cercando di combattere il grande successo commerciale della Nintendo WII attraverso una politica di prezzo piuttosto aggressiva, e vedere l’Xbox 360 Arcade già a 30 euro in meno rispetto ai 179 euro del nuovo prezzo ufficiale, ci fa pensare che le vendite di questa piattaforma saranno ancora notevoli (se poi pensiamo che presto arriverà anche in Italia dal 19 novembre l’Xbox Live Video Marketplace, da cui si potranno scaricare Film e Serie TV anche in alta definizione, la console Microsoft a questo prezzo - meno di 150 euro - diventa ancora più interessante). "

Currently from September till next year the 360 only costs, here in the Netherlands and various other European countries:


-X360 VALUE PACK ELITE 120 Go ( Lego Indiana Jones/KungFu Panda) - 249 Euro
-X360 VALUE PACK PRO 60 Go (Lego Indiana Jones/KungFu Panda) - 199 Euro
-X360 VALUE PACK ARCADE (Sega Superstar Tennis + XBLA games) - 149 Euro

This is an offer available only on a really few stores...and guess what, this "Saturn" store doesn't exists here in my city...I went again today to Euronics, Trony and Media World (the biggest electronics stores in Italy) and the price was 179 euros, so most of the people pay the normal price here. 


I never heard of "Saturn", so I checked. There are 11 stores all around now you can determine the price of a console based on how much it costs in 11 stores...

Here's the link: 


Sometimes even if you know what you are going to lose, you got to go fight. That's part of being a man.  Eikichi Onizuka

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It was clear from the beginning that the PS3 won't overtake the 360

As long as the 360 has a considerably lower price than the PS3 it will continue to outsell it. Who here thinks the 360 would be outselling the PS3 the way it is right now without that price reduction? The PS3 will not come near until it's within $50US of the 360 again.

AceRock owns one PS3, one PS Vita, and one PS4.

AceRock said:
As long as the 360 has a considerably lower price than the PS3 it will continue to outsell it. Who here thinks the 360 would be outselling the PS3 the way it is right now without that price reduction? The PS3 will not come near until it's within $50US of the 360 again.
It could. Price doesn't mean everything. It could also becuase the 360 made some progress in Japan. It may becuase the 360 has more steam. It could be a lot of things. Price is not always the answer.


NSS7 said:
Sony has 3 option

1. Cut PS3 price by $100. They will lose much money but it will double PS3 sales and Xbox360 sales will drop sharply. At he end the gap will be 4.5 milllon

2. Cut price by $50. They will lose some money but PS3 sales will up 50% and they will win or draw in Europe (with Xbox360) but stilll lose in NA (with smaller margin). At he end the gap will be 6 milllon

3. Keep the price. They only lose a few money (maybe some profit) but they will completely lose in NA and Europe region. At he end the gap will be 7.5 milllon

I think 2nd option is the best.

I actually think the 3rd option is the best. If I were a sony executive, I won't drop the ps3's price till it started to sell below 100000 on a weekly basis.

Like Kutaragi said, those who really want the console are saving up through their part-time jobs lol.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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kn said:
Smashchu2 said:

Before I begin, I want to say PLEASE don't make this a console ware thing. I'm just trying to look at sales.

From some calculations I did, I don't think the PS3 can possibly beat out the 360 at the end of this generation. Here is how I got there. The gap is 6.24million units. The PS3 typically sold ~50k a week over the 360 (when it beat the 360 weekly). If you use this number, it will take ~125 weeks to meet the gap (about 124.5). So, if the trend was to change now it will meet 360 sales in March 2011 or so.

The problem though is two fold

  1. The 360 is starting to beat the PS3 weekly. Normally it was the other way around. But recently, the 360 has been beating the PS3 again (much like in 2007). The problem us a matter of time. Every week the 360 beats the PS3 is lost ground. It not only means that the gap will widen, but it will take much longer to fill this lose. Sony is pressed for time if it wishes to take 2nd place.
  2. The generation will end arounf 2011. The generations have been getting shorter and shorter, and, with neither of these consoles straying from the old business model, it's likely to be this way too. Last generation lasted from 2000-2006. This is the long range (from the PS2 launch to the Wii launch). Most consoles live for ~5 years with the mark being met in 2011. Some may try to say the 10 year life cycle, but with Microsoft as a power competator and the system's weak reception, they can not let Microsoft beat them to the punch. They will have to make a system if Microsoft is.

So, that's what I'm looking at. The chances looked good for the system, but it may be too far gone since the PS3 isn't winning on a weekly basis.

Lol, I made the exact same post many months ago and got hammered by the local village idiots.  Check it out:


I said something like Holidays 2010 if the PS3 was going to catch it at all.... And that major price moves would skew things.  Nice.  Now we are here one year later and that pushes the "win" by the PS3 out another year, if it happens at all.



LOL, true true.

"May I point out that any gaps between them will be extrapolated at the holidays, as they will probably both increase by the same percent, meaning the gap is greater.
There is also the large boost from MGS 4, huge from GT 5 and huge from FF XIII. Also, PS3 sales in Japan are awful, and so will only get better. Of course to counter that, there is the upcoming 360 US price cut, which will boost sales there, but the combined might of R2 and KZ2 should stop the GeoW 2 boost being that great, and generally (as shown by games like J & D, DMC and FF X - XII) sales of a franchise seem to decrease over the lifespan of a platform, likely (especially so in this case) the original was so good that it got everyone who wanted that type of game onto that platform"

^ This stuff cracks me up :)

astrosmash said:
Tharthesos said:
You know what I think? Sony doesn't have to make a comeback for second place. Instead they should just do what Nintendo did with the GC: sell console for a profit!
Cutting the price and losing money in this generation is not worth it!
Sony made a choice to make a console that would best the other spec-wise, but that comes obviously with a high price tag on it and ther is not much you can do with that. The Cell chip, with its billion cost for development, and the Blu-Ray with its high manufacture cost are those two choices that cut the legs of the PS3.


Sony is in no position to gamble right now, and that's what any play for second place involves - a gamble. Sony's best bet is to look for the highest possible profit at the lowest possible risk so they have the capital to come out swinging next gen.



Exactly my point!


this is just a battle, and who win this won't necessarely win the whole war (whatever war this is!)!! So this time is better to capitalize and then strike back, since Sony has a chanche to come out with a PS4 that won't need any new technology!

The only thing they need is to slap like 4 to 8 Cell (maybe made in a 22nm process) chip in a box to make the new console and an nVidia/Ati gpu! They already have, also, a disc storage device, the Blu-Ray, which might even improve!

So, for me Sony has to focus on the long run, like it was a marathon, and not in the short period!