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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why is it the only way your avatar looks an adult is if you add facial hair

Strategyking92 said:
And it's because you have a mustache, isn't it?

Yeah lol

I suppose the wrinkles could make you look older (maybe too old?)


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the wrinkles make you look alot older, why can't I have peach fuzz on my avatar!?!!?

Or light side burns?

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

I think that in an attempt to set themselves apart from the cartoony feel of Miis, Microsoft took most of the fun out of Avatars. They all look... boring. They also rarely actually look like the actual person. Still a cool idea and all, just... visually uninspired.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Are both of those supposed to be the same person?

Nintendo still doomed?
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stof said:
I think that in an attempt to set themselves apart from the cartoony feel of Miis, Microsoft took most of the fun out of Avatars. They all look... boring. They also rarely actually look like the actual person. Still a cool idea and all, just... visually uninspired.

Agreed.  If Mii's could change clothes, they'd piss all over Avatars.  One thing that Avatars do have over Miis -they go to sleep (I'm not talking about those 20 second naps that Miis take either!).  If I turn on my Wii at 3:40am, all 100 Miis are wide awake looking at me!!  Freaks me out!

Both companies need to use their thing-a-ma-jiggers more, though.  My Miis should be going out into the world on adventures, bringing me back Wii-points and friend requests like little diplomats.  My Avatar should be dancing to custom soundtracks and stalking me through various games (hidden in Gears of War 2 or something).  It'd be cool! 


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is it just me, or does the first guy -who looks like a pedo and like a 30-year-old whos trying to hard to be 18 again- look like he has buck teeth... LOL, this has nothing to do really with anything but.... I just noticed it.

Btw, 14 is almost no different than 16.... like really... just a number... Oh sheesh...

Lastly, the second one actually looks better than the first so stop complaining! It looks nice! Sheesh!

*cough* i agree with leo-j *cough*