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Forums - Sony Discussion - Microsoft has the hammer and nails in hand...

OT7 said:
drizzlenuts said:
Its over for ps3 get used to it.



Oh yeah,because you say it. -_-


It's over now?

And all the upcoming "AAA" games? I say,when a system dies there's no more games for it,right?

A little advice for you: Even if Sony falls to third place on this generation The PS3 is here to stay,so for your own sake,get used to it.

Its over for the ps3 you misunderstood me.


In my opinion its over for the ps3 it has no chance at second place.Only a fool would think they would stop making it because of sales numbers.


my opinion is sony will not get second place.


note i said my opinion now move on.........................................


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markers said:

As of late Microsoft's price cut on the 360 has proven to be a very well played card. Alot of us took it for granted and pushed the price cut aside. Well then the economy went sour and everyone turned to the lower price for their HD console needs. Granted ps3 will not have a horrible holiday, it will infact have a decent one, but the fact that the 360 will more than likely beat it 2:1.

We all have heard the rumors as of late that the ps3 is cutting the price in Feburary or March of 2009, although it has been stated by sony themselves those rumors are false (like that matters). And alot of us feel its way over do but given the circumstances its understandable that they have waited this long. But if sony does infact cut the price down to $299 and comes along with the release of KZ2, with alot of marketing can be a huge system seller, it can make a comeback and might still have a chance to edge out the 360 this generation...oh and did i mention it must include full BC? And come holiday 2009 throw another $50 price cut. ps3 has the its time to listen to the consumers and lower the price.

Now sony in no way needs to finish 2nd place this generation but its more about keeping their pride and dignity...something they can be proud of about this generation. If they were able to capture victory midst defeat this generation then well...that would imho hurt microsoft. Maybe not in sales or anything that proves much...but the fact that microsoft has gone all out getting multiplats, exclusives, timed exclusives, etc (and i gotta hand it to them they are truely trying, A+ for effort) it would have to be a slap in the face to the 360 exects

Ive been a follower of the playstation brand since the beginning and am probably considered a fanboy by many here. but as an happy owner of all consoles i know when the bell tolls and the reaper is knocking on the ps3's door.

In conclusion Microsoft is preparing to hammer the coffin shut on the ps3 and atm they seem helpless to get out. Although they have a chance to breath life again if they cut the price to $299 coming in time for KZ2 (or feburary/march 2009) with full BC can they escape the clutches of the damned. With a lower price, BC, and another strong software lineup they just might stand a fighting chance.

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It won't have a bad holiday, for its price it is selling very well or at least flat YTD. The Wii and 360 will do better, granted, but Sony is still in the position they set out to be for a $400-$500 system. The pre holiday sale numbers for the PS3 are great for its price range. The 360 and the Wii need to be out selling the PS3 2:1 all the times because of the differance in price anything less and you really have to wonder.


rukusa said:
Domicinator said:
hanafuda said:
I've still yet to see anything to prove MS are making a profit on the new low price points.

I'd say that's a key point to clarify before jumping to any conclusions.

They are still making a profit. 

I was just with my Edward Jones guy (financial advisor) last week and he can pull up any publicly traded company I want to look at.  I had him look at Apple, Microsoft, and Google.  I spent the most time looking at Microsoft.  Yeah, I'm just some guy on a web forum saying this, so most of you probably won't believe it, but again, this is what I read (in a nutshell):

1.  Microsoft is considered a healthy and growing company: buying shares is definitely recommended at the moment.

2.  The Xbox 360, and the gaming division in general, is profitable and the strong sales are generally matching what analysts have predicted.

3.  Windows Vista and Office are still making them lots and lots of money.

I don't think Edward Jones would be the company they are if they lied to potential stockholders about the status of the companies they analyze.  And from what they're saying, MS is going to have a VERY strong holiday season this year.



 Microsoft themselves are definitely pulling a profit.

What i think Hanafuda was refering to was Microsoft's Gaming Division/entity.


I realize that, and in the Edward Jones analysis of Microsoft, they specifically mention the gaming division and the Xbox 360 hardware as being profitable.  There is a whole section just about that.

drizzlenuts said:
Its over for ps3 get used to it.

That's what some people were saying shortly after the PS3 launched... and that was nearly two years ago.

hanafuda said:
I've still yet to see anything to prove MS are making a profit on the new low price points.

I'd say that's a key point to clarify before jumping to any conclusions.

At this stage the hardware cost is moot. Live subscriptions and licensing (I believe I once read it was $7 per disc on the original XBox, I don't know the figure for the 360) will ensure the platforms profitability.


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cyclone87 said:
drizzlenuts said:
Its over for ps3 get used to it.

That's what some people were saying shortly after the PS3 launched... and that was nearly two years ago.


And what has it done in 2 years its still 5 million behind 360 and the wii is destroying it.They did it to themselves they focused on a movie format war instead of a gaming war.All tha time they could have been focusing on what really mattered and they didnt.


Theres about 4 games that i actually play on my ps3 and about 20 i play on my 360 and i play my 360 much more.

Maybe sony will be wise enough to cut their losses and exit the console market for a while. :p

Last place has never been so God damn sweet

"ad/discuss/comment/flame do what we do best on vgchartz"

I thought we get in trouble and stand in the corner for flaming? the ps3 dead, no chance, but it's looking more and more like the ps3 is not going to be able to overtake the ltd sales of the 360, and nowhere close to the Wii. Once again, when looking at the console war, you can't look at it in absolute term, since the ps3 had a HUGE advantage to start off this generation, in the branding of PS and the success of the ps2. There is probably no a single person here who would have stated 3 years ago...ps3 would be lagging behind in 3rd it's about the relative strength of each console in the greater scheme of things.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

markers said:

In conclusion Microsoft is preparing to hammer the coffin shut on the ps3 and atm they seem helpless to get out.


Some time truth is cruel but what can you do :)