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Forums - Sony Discussion - Microsoft has the hammer and nails in hand...

bbsin said:
Squilliam said:

Almost everybody.


meh, you had your doubts.


I have my doubts about the numbers we're getting now. I know how easily things car swing with an adjustment.



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A new PS3 without the Wi-Fi, extra USB ports, and SD Card reader for a seriously low price may be the route Sony might want to consider taking. A lot of these bonus features that Sony offered are going unused by many (ie ME!). There may not be much backlash if they are removed, and Sony could get more consoles into more homes. Keep the high end model on shelves, but sell some machines!!

Aprisaiden said:
I think we really need to wait until 2010 before we will see the fate of PS3.

Afterall developers arn't going to cancel multiplats for 2009 because of poor holiday HARDWARE sales -- the console is still moving software.

Wait until March next year when PS3 is ahead of Gamecube in lifetime sales, possibly passed Xbox in lifetime sales, gets a price drop and continues to sell a decent rate outside of the holiday period.

Besides i for am hoping that this gen gets SONY back on its game so PS4 can launch at a cheaper price, have more games earlier, be more competitive feature-wise(custom soundtracks standard, cross-game invites, etc) and launch before/at the same time as Wii2/Next-Box...


 besides this is another "wait until" arguement, you really think, the PS3 will pass Xbox in March? that would be like 7.5 million units. That would be 535k units per week. so sales  need to increase 120% from this week and continue to do so for 14 weeks. So it is not going to happen

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

hanafuda said:
I've still yet to see anything to prove MS are making a profit on the new low price points.

I'd say that's a key point to clarify before jumping to any conclusions.

They are still making a profit. 

I was just with my Edward Jones guy (financial advisor) last week and he can pull up any publicly traded company I want to look at.  I had him look at Apple, Microsoft, and Google.  I spent the most time looking at Microsoft.  Yeah, I'm just some guy on a web forum saying this, so most of you probably won't believe it, but again, this is what I read (in a nutshell):

1.  Microsoft is considered a healthy and growing company: buying shares is definitely recommended at the moment.

2.  The Xbox 360, and the gaming division in general, is profitable and the strong sales are generally matching what analysts have predicted.

3.  Windows Vista and Office are still making them lots and lots of money.

I don't think Edward Jones would be the company they are if they lied to potential stockholders about the status of the companies they analyze.  And from what they're saying, MS is going to have a VERY strong holiday season this year.


d21lewis said:
A new PS3 without the Wi-Fi, extra USB ports, and SD Card reader for a seriously low price may be the route Sony might want to consider taking. A lot of these bonus features that Sony offered are going unused by many (ie ME!). There may not be much backlash if they are removed, and Sony could get more consoles into more homes. Keep the high end model on shelves, but sell some machines!!


 If Sony wanted to go this route they should have done it while introducing the 40gig revamp. Its to late now..

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Domicinator said:
hanafuda said:
I've still yet to see anything to prove MS are making a profit on the new low price points.

I'd say that's a key point to clarify before jumping to any conclusions.

They are still making a profit. 

I was just with my Edward Jones guy (financial advisor) last week and he can pull up any publicly traded company I want to look at.  I had him look at Apple, Microsoft, and Google.  I spent the most time looking at Microsoft.  Yeah, I'm just some guy on a web forum saying this, so most of you probably won't believe it, but again, this is what I read (in a nutshell):

1.  Microsoft is considered a healthy and growing company: buying shares is definitely recommended at the moment.

2.  The Xbox 360, and the gaming division in general, is profitable and the strong sales are generally matching what analysts have predicted.

3.  Windows Vista and Office are still making them lots and lots of money.

I don't think Edward Jones would be the company they are if they lied to potential stockholders about the status of the companies they analyze.  And from what they're saying, MS is going to have a VERY strong holiday season this year.



 Microsoft themselves are definitely pulling a profit.

What i think Hanafuda was refering to was Microsoft's Gaming Division/entity.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

God another "Sony is dead" thread. You are several years too early!

Funny Selnor was trying to convince people that the only threads going up were "Sony will dominate" when ive seen far more "sony is doomed" threads

Squilliam said:
Metsadah said:
the ps3 is not doing ok, far from it.

Everybody, including vgchartz expected that Sony would outsell MS this holiday, i already thought that couldnt be true. the xbox360 showed to be a strong competitor over the last few months, they came back and started outselling the PS3 even after the release of MGS2 (probably sonys best card, since nobody is buying LBP). Your right about the economy, that helped MS more, and it hit Sony a lot harder (weak yen, no room for pricecuts, losing even more on de ps3 etc).

The PS3 is now for the fourth week selling very poorly. I dont expect the japanese sales to be huge, so they probably will sell around 250k this week against almost 400k last year. Its not ok if a console sells worse in its second holiday. You can turn this all you want, but it doesnt change that fact. It might be that the PS3 will turn around, but I dont see KZ doing it. KZ2 looks great, but its not a halo 3, it needs to prove itself since the first one sucked. Only the biggest games really move some product, and KZ2 is not one of them. Sure, they might sell a few 100k more in one month, but thats it.

Sony needs a radical change, and the only thing thats going to help is a serious pricecut, maybe even 2 in 2009. If they reach 200/250 dollars they should be fine.
Besides that they need more games, more exclusives (also for the hardcore) and a bigger blu ray market.

That being said, i dont see any of these things happening for at least 6 to 9 months.

Almost everybody.


or all but everybody


Time to Work !

rukusa said:
could some one ban drizzlenuts please? a troll that spreads PS3 SUX propaganda and claims to have played the KZ2 beta feeding negative feedback just to drag it down and downplay it due to his preference is seriously fucking pathetic.

hell, I have a preference but I dont go into MS section or related threads and spread shit.

Claims to have played?


Prove i havent played kz2 beta.Get proof then you can call me a liar.


I have done nothing that a sony fanboy hasent done it the last year.Im just having fun with the low ps3 numbers.You take this too seriously like im hurting you or something by talking about sony.I have right to my opinion here just like everyone else.I have never posted a lie on here and claimed it as fact.Only that would be ban worthy.