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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Nintendo switch Wii Sports with Wii Sports 2 (as a bundle)?

misterd said:
Just a guess:

At first, WiiSports2 will be available separately from the Wii as a pack in with the M+ controller. This will likely run $50.

Eventually, Nintendo will drop the price of the Wii to $199, and at the same time offer a M+ bundle for $249 (or thereabouts) that contains both WiiSports and WiiSports2 with the M+controller

I don't think a price cut is going to come any time soon. Nintendo seems adament on not cutting profits. As long as the Wii continues to sell they will continue to price it high. The only thing I think will cause Nintendo to cut prices would be a next generation console unvieling. See even if Nintendo Wii sales drop they will still be high enough to warrant the 279$ price tag. Nintendo's sales would have to slump to GameCube levels in order for a price drop to occur.

I think that the Motion Plus will sell itself and sell WiiSports:Resort without any console bundle!


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Around the Network

I'm thinking that Wii Sports 2 will include enchaced versions of the events from Wii Sports 1. That way Nintendo can bundle consoles with the new version and Motion+.

I also think Motion+ will start being bundled with new remotes.

I only think this because IMO it would be the best way to make Motion+ a standard peripheral for the system.

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - Spinal Tap