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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Nintendo switch Wii Sports with Wii Sports 2 (as a bundle)?

misterd said:
Just a guess:

At first, WiiSports2 will be available separately from the Wii as a pack in with the M+ controller. This will likely run $50.

Eventually, Nintendo will drop the price of the Wii to $199, and at the same time offer a M+ bundle for $249 (or thereabouts) that contains both WiiSports and WiiSports2 with the M+controller



expect this or colours next year in japan

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No. The Wii Sports 2, aka resort, will be bundled with the new Wii Motion + add on.

It would be in all gamer's best interest to include M+ with every system and every Wiimote.

But is that in Nintendo's best interest? In the long run yes, in the short run no. I'm excited to see what they do.

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Well Nintendo did talk about making Wii mote with built in M+ maybe this will happen shortly after Wii sports resorts ships. They need something to show it of so the game might be included.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Probably not, but who knows what could happen. I think they'll probably just keep Wii Sports though.

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Wii Sports is good where it is, and I doubt that will change.

It's more likely that if they want to push Wii Motion + they'll just make it cheap (they already said they are selling standalone motion+'s at cost (ie 0 profit))

They probably will switch Wii Sports with Wii Sports Resort as a bundle. Besides Wii Sports has sold enough and will continue to sell until people move on to Wii Sports resort.


I don't think so.. it'll most likely be a Wii Play deal where it comes with the motion-plus sensor.... They've sold so many Wii Play they would have to do it like that..

I think Wii Sports will stay the Wii's pack in and Wii Sports: Resort will be the Wii Motion+'s pack in.

They SHOULD if they actually WILL is a completly different story. Ive got no idea.

I think they should bundle both Wii Sports/Resort with newer systems. It would be smart on their move.

That damn WM+ better not cost more that $20