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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why Motorstorm 2 flopped!(?)

I was in a few gamestores the other day, and my eye fell on the pricetag of Motorstorm 2: Pacific Rift. Now, I'm gonna keep you guys a little in the dark here... But lets say; I was not that suprised that the sales for that game in it's openingweek weren't spectacular, to say the least.

The price was 80(!!!) euro's!!! In 3 different gamestores. Everywhere, the same price! It's fuckin' crazy! It's not even different from other games and I don't see where the price is coming from! Other awesome racers like Burnout Paradise are only 50 euro's so, Sony is either crazy for putting up that pricetag or... I dunno! You tell me!

On the other hand; I saw some attractive PS3 bundles for 439.95 euro's which included PS3 80Gb + DualShock 3 + Mirror's Edge + Motorstorm 2... Sounds much more attractive then 80 euro's for ''just another racer''.


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it was only £35  in england that about 45 euros tops

i bought it dor 60 euro's soo.

It "flopped" because Sony released too many exclusives during an already busy time of the year. Hopefully this will result in good legs for a lot of these titles. I wont buy Motorstorm PR until after I am done with some of the other titles I have yet to fully play, like R2, Fallout 3, and LBP.

Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

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