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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Shenmue 3: The Mass Mail Edition

Onyxmeth said:

I still can't believe they haven't finished Shenmue. It's not like it would be much more demanding budget wise than their average expenditure on Yakuza, and they made four of those already, to a miniscule amount of interest.


True, they neglect shenmue and then start a new franchise that plays like it but simply is not as good, i know yakuza is kinda sony exclusive but what on earth is stopping sega from making shenmue 3 for all 3 current gen consoles and hopefully making a mint?

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Ronster316 said:
Grahamhsu said:
Can I just go to Sega in San Francisco and hand deliver my capsule...

I suspected that you would post on a shenmue thread, i like yourself am desperate for this EPIC franchise to come to some sort of conclusion, before i need to be cryogenically frozen to ensure i get to play shenmue 3

Cryogenesis..hmm I think that might be a bit too expensive. At this point I'd rather go to Japan and assasinate sega sammy

while delicately setting the strings of power to put Yu Suzuki as the president >=). Time to go check the Shenmue Dojo for a loyal group of assasins followers it's been a while since I've been there.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

I want to sign up. They were two of my favorite games.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Grahamhsu said:
Ronster316 said:
Grahamhsu said:
Can I just go to Sega in San Francisco and hand deliver my capsule...

I suspected that you would post on a shenmue thread, i like yourself am desperate for this EPIC franchise to come to some sort of conclusion, before i need to be cryogenically frozen to ensure i get to play shenmue 3

Cryogenesis..hmm I think that might be a bit too expensive. At this point I'd rather go to Japan and assasinate sega sammy

while delicately setting the strings of power to put Yu Suzuki as the president >=). Time to go check the Shenmue Dojo for a loyal group of assasins followers it's been a while since I've been there.

Shunmue dojo.............. the home of HOPE

Love the chaps over there, they do a sterling job keeping the shenmue universe alive.