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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS:we have shipped 25 million X360 as of today

SpartanFX said:
come on 360 fans ,,,this is a good news.

360 surpassed xbox.comment and celebrate


Fanboy alert fanboy alert lol


Why do people do this.Why do people favor one console so much when both have great stuff to offer witht he 360 being 199 and a great library of games backing it why tourcher yourself like microsoft says JUMP IN

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SpartanFX said:
^^^you do know the difference between shipped and sold right?

they shipped 25 million by today ,,it will not be sold out by next week,,,the stores will have a big inventory for holidays.


maybe you not read my point


my point is, previous week (15 Nov) weekly WW number are ~300K, total = 22.9

this week number i predict will be > 400 K - 450K (sales spike from everywhere, japan, UK etc)

& next week (counted last week for November) will be > 600K - 700K

so end of  Nov i predict total Xbox 360 from VGchart will be ~ 24.5 mil

this number in line with microsoft number , of course my prediction is for sold.

not that the 360 aint doing good and not taking anything away from the 360 but aint people over exagerating about the 360. everyone makes out like its so successful and great but they have only shipped 25 million in 3 years? thats not alot especially considering how people are always critisizing the ps3 sales when in comparison the ps3 is doing much better.

Actually solid snake when you factor in that XBox does not have a market in japan and japan is a Sony stronghold, it has done really well. The fact that Sony have another massive market than Microsoft does means that the PS3 is doing very poorly.

Over the Christmas period the 360 will go even further ahead.