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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS:we have shipped 25 million X360 as of today

TheSource said:

~27m shipped when they report through Dec 31


Sounds about right. Possibly even slightly higher depending if they can keep up with Arcade demand.

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That numbers Sounds pertty good
nice job Xbox 360

Thats great news for MS and xbox fanatics like myself.  Can you imagine how much sooner they would have achieved this if it were not for the RROD?  I backwards project that it would have been 1 yr ago!!  Prove me wrong!!



Oh Noes!! This is actually bad news!

Now that all previous Xbox owners upgraded to a 360, sales will drop to ZERO!!

** warning this message contains sarcasm, respond/reply at your own risk **

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


does that mean.. the 720 is comin out next year? end sarcasm



  The King Of The Iron Fist tournament

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I found this really intaresting as we know how france and spain both are very strong behind the ps brand name lol price really is king.

“We’re at a price point that is uniquely placed – not least of which because we’re in somewhat of a challenging economic time. Ever since we dropped the price seven weeks ago, we’ve outstripped PS3 on a weekly run rate in all the territories we care about in EMEA – specifically the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Russia.”

Zlejedi said:
I'm not too happy with that becouse it means people are willing to accept unreliable hardware and hidden charges only becouse it has lower starting price or more shooters available.

...And consumers should be more willing to pay more for a much more inferior library (Wii) and weak harware, or a system with a vastly higher pricetag (PS3)?

Every system has it's ups & downs. Consumers are purchasing the X360 because it has the biggest, and most well-rounded library of the 3 systems, and is the most affordable. With having those 2 things, any system, regardless of brand, or issues in their past, should win.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Zlejedi said:
I'm not too happy with that becouse it means people are willing to accept unreliable hardware and hidden charges only becouse it has lower starting price or more shooters available.

        (Quickly hits button combination unleashing Killer Instincts)......"Superretardedfanboyishultraunitelligentcomment commmmboooooooo wrrrraaaaaaaaaa!"



i think this week number WW, will be >400K for xbox 360
and next week (last week of november), we will see a huge bump to >700K

this will adsjusting the Vgchart number closer to 25 mil

usually i think vgchartz undertracked Xbox 360, and overtracked PS3
so i think end of november we will get around 24.5 mil xbox 360

and this number will be keep increasing till dec 31st

^^^you do know the difference between shipped and sold right?

they shipped 25 million by today ,,it will not be sold out by next week,,,the stores will have a big inventory for holidays.