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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dissidia gets a new character..

Shit and the girl who looks like a giant rabbit from XII too, and a character from XIII to hype a little the game!

Screw you SE! Screw you Wada, Screeeeeeeeeeew you Waaaaaaadaaaaaaaaa!

*cry and leave the internet world for ever*

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FF11 gets ignored often because is an MMO, and not much people like FF12, but it shouldn't be that way, the game is called Dissidia: Final Fantasy... If they ever do a Dissidia: Dragon Quest or Kingdom Hearts or Star Ocean, i expect all the characters at least from the main series...

They just need to make Dissidia: Square Enix.

I would love to beat Squall's face into the ground with Crono. And I think it goes without saying which Star Ocean character I'd want to use.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"