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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This might be good for a laugh

I remember some magazine named their top 100 VG characters of all time and the top 10 were..

10. Spyro

9. Lara Croft

8. Yoshi

7. Cloud

6. Snake

5. Master Chief

4. Crash Bandicoot

3. Link

2. Sonic

1. Mario

I agree with the top 3 but the rest make me lol.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Around the Network

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.


 And mabye Croft but other then those it was good...

Former something....

Shadowblind said:

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.

Indeed, Yoshi should be at least top 5.

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Shadowblind said:

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.

Indeed, Yoshi should be at least top 5.

Now THAT made me lol :D


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Around the Network
Shadowblind said:
SmokedHostage said:
Shadowblind said:

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.

Indeed, Yoshi should be at least top 5.

Now THAT made me lol :D


Also the lack of Pac man is laughable too.


Pixel Art can be fun.

Blacksaber said:
Shadowblind said:

Everything on the list is perfect except for Spyro and Yoshi.


 And mabye Croft but other then those it was good...

Lara Croft is probably the most recognizeable character in gaming due to the tomb raider movie, and the giant push the game had in mainstream media.

Her or Mario.



Lara Croft is underrated imo. At the very least, she has two nice assets.

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Lara Croft is underrated imo. At the very least, she has two nice assets.

Seriously underrated. I posted a thread about finishing Tomb Raider: Underworld, and this is the kind of response I got in it:

''[...] Anyday of the week, Miss lara croft has lost her touch imo [...]''


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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the list is better than the last i saw

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"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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