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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Wii and third parties, what some people may not take into account

The real problem is the amount of crap coming out and the misinformed customer buying it. Quality titles will have to compete with turds. And there's a far greater share of turds than quality titles so far, and none of them gets advertised. Hell even sometimes, turds get more advertising than good games.

Core gamers are buying the games they find out that exist, but even then, none of these games have a comparable amount of effort poured in in comparison with the HD games. Wii core owners are also likely to own a secondary console, an HD console. That's why multiplatform core games tend to perform worse on the Wii, since there's no reason for core gamers to buy the gimped version. There hasn't been a case where Wii got a core multiplat game without it being gimped. Also, most Wii core gamers got only a limited amount of money so if we consider that the majority also owns an HD console, if you compare this holiday seasons line ups, the most probable thing is that their money went to their HD console.

Casual multiplatform games on the other hand tend to perform better on the Wii, because of the misinformed customers. Games like GH are starting to sell better on the wii than even the 360.

Games can sell on the wii, Nintendo proved that to everyone. Be it a core or a casual franchise, if it's properly advertised, has some quality behind and it's a cool concept it will sell well.

Almost 8 million core gamers that bought SMG or SSBB can't be wrong. Hell, 5 million Zelda TP owners can't be wrong either.
And the millions that bought Wii Fit and Wii Play, MKWii/M&S. Nintendo knows how to market their games and knows how to create hype. Even though, as of late they are sending their games to die without advertising, but that's their problem after all.

Third parties that don't take a risk and put effort in their games can only blame themselves. They should also stop copying every Nintendo idea out there, and come with a good concept themselves. When this happens, we might start seeing core gamers spending money on their Wii's rather than their HD consoles. Casuals will also learn to differentiate between crap and a good game, so 3rd party casual games will need to be different enough to differentiate themselves from the HUGE amount of crap coming out. That crap is the one guilty for the low sales overall. Too much to chose from and too many misinformed customers.

Best solution would be Nintendo limiting the amount of games released a company can have in a certain time.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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trestres said:
The real problem is the amount of crap coming out and the misinformed customer buying it. Quality titles will have to compete with turds. And there's a far greater share of turds than quality titles so far, and none of them gets advertised. Hell even sometimes, turds get more advertising than good games.

If a game has legs, then obviously its winning the word of mouth battle so there must be people who like it.

Core gamers are buying the games they find out that exist, but even then, none of these games have a comparable amount of effort poured in in comparison with the HD games. Wii core owners are also likely to own a secondary console, an HD console. That's why multiplatform core games tend to perform worse on the Wii, since there's no reason for core gamers to buy the gimped version. There hasn't been a case where Wii got a core multiplat game without it being gimped. Also, most Wii core gamers got only a limited amount of money so if we consider that the majority also owns an HD console, if you compare this holiday seasons line ups, the most probable thing is that their money went to their HD console.

Core gamers make up a smaller proportion of the Wii audience so they are much harder to target if you're not Nintendo. Advertising is expensive.

Casual multiplatform games on the other hand tend to perform better on the Wii, because of the misinformed customers. Games like GH are starting to sell better on the wii than even the 360.

Misinformed? How so?

Games can sell on the wii, Nintendo proved that to everyone. Be it a core or a casual franchise, if it's properly advertised, has some quality behind and it's a cool concept it will sell well.

Advertisement is expensive, why advertise when you can't easily reach your audience.

Almost 8 million core gamers that bought SMG or SSBB can't be wrong. Hell, 5 million Zelda TP owners can't be wrong either.
And the millions that bought Wii Fit and Wii Play, MKWii/M&S. Nintendo knows how to market their games and knows how to create hype. Even though, as of late they are sending their games to die without advertising, but that's their problem after all.

Third parties that don't take a risk and put effort in their games can only blame themselves. They should also stop copying every Nintendo idea out there, and come with a good concept themselves. When this happens, we might start seeing core gamers spending money on their Wii's rather than their HD consoles. Casuals will also learn to differentiate between crap and a good game, so 3rd party casual games will need to be different enough to differentiate themselves from the HUGE amount of crap coming out. That crap is the one guilty for the low sales overall. Too much to chose from and too many misinformed customers.

The publishers are very conservative. They don't make risky choices...

Best solution would be Nintendo limiting the amount of games released a company can have in a certain time.




This is still the money/incentives issue. But It was a fine read.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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People just need to accept (disappointed Nintendo fans included) that if you want "hard core", story driven and graphically high caliber games the system you're going to have to buy is an Xbox 360 or Ps3. For anyone who enjoys the features of high end visuals, details, strong narratives, long single player modes and vast multi player options the wii will not suffice as a console. while the DS has successfully become a jack of all trades, this is very unlikely to happen with the Wii as the HD consoles are already selling vast amounts of software (unlike the PSP) on a combined install base that is currently larger and will likely remain comparable for some time to that of the Wii.

The Wii2/HD may or may not bring the sort of casual-hardcore balance many gamers are hoping for, depending on how MS and Sony responds.

McStormy1 said:
People just need to accept (disappointed Nintendo fans included) that if you want "hard core", story driven and graphically high caliber games the system you're going to have to buy is an Xbox 360 or Ps3. For anyone who enjoys the features of high end visuals, details, strong narratives, long single player modes and vast multi player options the wii will not suffice as a console. while the DS has successfully become a jack of all trades, this is very unlikely to happen with the Wii as the HD consoles are already selling vast amounts of software (unlike the PSP) on a combined install base that is currently larger and will likely remain comparable for some time to that of the Wii.

The Wii2/HD may or may not bring the sort of casual-hardcore balance many gamers are hoping for, depending on how MS and Sony responds.


No not really, the consumer has clearly chosen the Wii as there system of choice so shouldn't developers cater to the MAJORITY of consumers?

How can honestly ANYONE defend this notion?  Seriously convince me.



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Dinomax said:
McStormy1 said:
People just need to accept (disappointed Nintendo fans included) that if you want "hard core", story driven and graphically high caliber games the system you're going to have to buy is an Xbox 360 or Ps3. For anyone who enjoys the features of high end visuals, details, strong narratives, long single player modes and vast multi player options the wii will not suffice as a console. while the DS has successfully become a jack of all trades, this is very unlikely to happen with the Wii as the HD consoles are already selling vast amounts of software (unlike the PSP) on a combined install base that is currently larger and will likely remain comparable for some time to that of the Wii.

The Wii2/HD may or may not bring the sort of casual-hardcore balance many gamers are hoping for, depending on how MS and Sony responds.


No not really, the consumer has clearly chosen the Wii as there system of choice so shouldn't developers cater to the MAJORITY of consumers?

How can honestly ANYONE defend this notion?  Seriously convince me.



Well they are, its just the majority of gamers do not want De-Blob or NMH.



I mean ... ok ... but where are games then?

Squilliam said:
Dinomax said:
McStormy1 said:
People just need to accept (disappointed Nintendo fans included) that if you want "hard core", story driven and graphically high caliber games the system you're going to have to buy is an Xbox 360 or Ps3. For anyone who enjoys the features of high end visuals, details, strong narratives, long single player modes and vast multi player options the wii will not suffice as a console. while the DS has successfully become a jack of all trades, this is very unlikely to happen with the Wii as the HD consoles are already selling vast amounts of software (unlike the PSP) on a combined install base that is currently larger and will likely remain comparable for some time to that of the Wii.

The Wii2/HD may or may not bring the sort of casual-hardcore balance many gamers are hoping for, depending on how MS and Sony responds.

No not really, the consumer has clearly chosen the Wii as there system of choice so shouldn't developers cater to the MAJORITY of consumers?

How can honestly ANYONE defend this notion?  Seriously convince me.



Well they are, its just the majority of gamers do not want De-Blob or NMH.




No there not.  Unless your Marvelous, Capcom or SEGA there tending to release...

1- Games that are PS2 port counterparts.

2- Games not taking advantage of the systems specs or controls.

3-  Refusing to have main development teams work on them and hand them down to shoehorn developers.

4- Purposely advertise the 360 or PS3 version in commercials and slap on the logo after wards.

5- Release games LATER than the other systems release dates.

6- Still release games with technical issues.

7- Giving your Wii release basically zero to none advertisement funding.


You call that trying? Also No More Heroes got a sequal due to its sales and Blue Tounge are very pleased with sales, hey look at that, the third partys that put in effort made a profit,  funny world we live in.

Well done Legend, it is nice to see a thread with such a well executed argument. Apparently, it provokes a much more intelligent debate.
Now i am going to have to absorb all of this information.

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Actually a more interesting matter is that Wii is a more favorable enviroment for japanese developers/publishers.
Japanese gaming industry can't compete with western one from a financial and technical point of view because their development cycle are obsolete\different compare to companies that made their fortune on PC and that now are developing for Ps3/360/PC combo.

Japanese developers advantage however is developing for low tech and low cost system so their DS choice isn't a suprising one.
The same I think will happen for Wii althought ironically I see DS huge japanese support be a slowing down factor.

The majority of western publisher will probably prefer the 360/PS3/PC combo because they have already heavily invested in HD technology and because the gap in western region (PS3/360/PC vs Wii ) is unfavorable to the Wii at least for now.

The problem I see for them is that if the Wii mantains its popularity in coming years than there is no way they will benefit from it because Wii business model is based on a profit advantage against the HD model ( a similar situation happen when many computer software missed the NES train in '80 ).

I like to point out that for certain companies and publishers the Wii is an impossible choice to make because they rely only on technology ( i.e. Epic ).

I think that what is ask to publishers isn't to abandon the HD systems but to mix their offering with a good effort support to Wii/DS that take advantage to the new philosopy brought by Nintendo.

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.