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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I CAN'T PICK!!!

blackbird3216 said:

I want to buy several games this holiday season but i can't choose!!!

1. Sonic Unleashed  - IF your a huge Sonic fan buy it, otherwise I'd rent.  The Sonic levels are supposed to be great but the weresonic levels (which is 2/3 of the game) are meh.
2. Castlevania Judgment - Played it.  Rent it first.

3. Shaun White(though i don't have a Balance board) - I'm getting this but I have a BB.  The controls are still solid without and if you'll be playing co-op or multiplayer it's not like everyone can use a BB anyway.  I'd recommend it.

4. COD:WAW(im not 18 yet)  - If you're mature enough for the content and your parents agree it's a very solid game.

5. Skate It - Also good, but I'd get SW first.

6. Mushroom Men - Good reviews so far.  If you want a good platformer this looks like a winner.

7. Deadly Creatures - Postponed.

8. Rock Band 2/GH World Tour -  Both excellent but then that'll be the only game you'll get....


HELP ME!!! I can only pick 1 or 2 at most




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Sonic and Call of Duty, eventually Shawn White.

I suggest getting wii fit & shaun white, the game is really fun with a balance board.

hmm. I've narrowed it down to COD, castlevania, One of the music games and mushroom men. The others seem like they will drop in price very quickly.