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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - wii version of tomb raider underworld has a glitch. a MASSIVE glitch

Jesus, this is simply pathetic. Despite really enjoying CoD WAW I have found that sometimes on respawn the camera is locked and wont move. A tap of the home button solves it, but it is still irritating. QoS also has a lovely habit of corrupting save games and thus freezing. 3rd parties have only themselves to blame for this kind of crap.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


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El Duderino said:

@Gnizmo: I would understand that if there was a tiny texture not appearing... something floating aroung ramdomly... even a nipplegate... but if the tester writes "Lever does not appear thus breaking the game !!!" how does that get ignored ??? This sounds like the biggest blunder since Eric the Red ordered 10.000 Viking helmets with the horns on the inside...

 Well going by what Rol said you have a pretty solid explanation. They booted it up once and got lucky with the fix. After that it was just assumed the testers didn't know anything (as is often the case) and presto a game breaking bug makes it to release.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Wow....that's Eidos FTW! j/k

@Gnizmo: Yeah I was thinking that... there even is a slim chance that even the tester responsible for this level never saw the bug... but those chances are very slim... if the tester writes there is a chance (even if its just one out of a thousand) that a bug might brake the game I don´t see how it could be overlooked... then again I myself am lazier that the average person and might have let it pass hoping its a one in a million rather than thousand glitch... also I have seen game breaking bugs in better games by better devs... Half Life 2 broke on me half way through because a elevator didn´t move... 





from the sounds of things all wii versions of the game had this problem. apparnently you have to restart the game. however this doesnt work for everyone. so how did IGN review the game yet not mention this glitch? maybe they just got lucky

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Why the hell can't companies make games that simply work? Personally, I think every single gamer who bought this game should return it to send a message that gamers and consumers won't tolerate this. We pay anywhere from $40 to more likely $50 or $60 on a game, it's completely unacceptable to have glitches in the game that can ruin the experience altogether. Minor stuff isn't that big of a problem but this sounds like a big issue.

Sure, computer games and now video game consoles can sometimes work around the issue with patches but why not make sure it leaves in working order? Also, not every gamer goes online or even has internet for their gaming habits. And if a young kid gets a game with a glitch, do you think he or she is going to know it's a glitch? Totally unacceptable. All gamers should return their copy in protest. It's not like Lara Croft is a big deal anymore now anyway.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

El Duderino said:

@Gnizmo: Yeah I was thinking that... there even is a slim chance that even the tester responsible for this level never saw the bug... but those chances are very slim... if the tester writes there is a chance (even if its just one out of a thousand) that a bug might brake the game I don´t see how it could be overlooked... then again I myself am lazier that the average person and might have let it pass hoping its a one in a million rather than thousand glitch... also I have seen game breaking bugs in better games by better devs... Half Life 2 broke on me half way through because a elevator didn´t move...

 Well there is another possibility. The bug is seemingly random, and possibly impossible to reliably reproduce. If it can't be reproduced then it is next to impossible to fix. Games gotta ship sometimes, and sometimes the big bugs gotta stay in due to inability to solve the problem.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

^^ Still how do you progam a game that lets these things occur randomly ??? I´m no prgrammer but its supposed to all be based on math... in math there id no 2+2=4... but if you reload the calculation in might be five at times... sounds like ether someone made one big screw up or a lot of people made lots of small screw ups...




El Duderino said:

@Gnizmo: Yeah I was thinking that... there even is a slim chance that even the tester responsible for this level never saw the bug... but those chances are very slim... if the tester writes there is a chance (even if its just one out of a thousand) that a bug might brake the game I don´t see how it could be overlooked... then again I myself am lazier that the average person and might have let it pass hoping its a one in a million rather than thousand glitch... also I have seen game breaking bugs in better games by better devs... Half Life 2 broke on me half way through because a elevator didn´t move... 

It could have been a case of:

A) Tester reports bug.

B) Devs check for bug, get luck and see it doesn't happen.

C) Tester runs through their testing again, and the bug isn't reproduced.

D) Game ships.

As a software developer myself, there are some bugs which are so difficult to reproduce, that it might take months before the actual problem is found and fixed. For example, we have a certain bug which occurs maybe once a month in our test environment, only occurs on the single machine at a time (the application works in a multi-user environment) and we have not been able to reproduce it on a development machine to debug as of yet.

While we have an advantage of being able to roll out a patch into production within 24 hours if required, and an ongoing development cycle, Games need to be 'finalised' at some point, and if the bug is considered 'uncommon' out the door it goes. Though it appears from these reports, this is common, and is a sign of a poorly produced game.

^^ Again I´m not a programmer... but if you make a 3D enviorment somthing like a Lever that triggers and action is ether there or it is not... what kind of situation could make it dissapear ??? There should be no variables there... right ???