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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next gen war: Microsoft could blaze a trail to victory. Lessons by Nintendo

Hawkeye said:
To OP: I have thought the same thing for a while. It seems like Microsft never wanted to win this gen; they just wanted to crush Sony. Making games for DS (to heal beat PSP?) saying buy a Wii along with your 360... (that only takes away software sales from Xbox 360)... I think Microsft wants Sony to be a crippled player next round, and next round Microsoft will have the brand name. They have it in America, are getting it in EU, and are making a little headway in Japan. They are also starting to work on figuring out how to court casuals so they can 1-up Nintendo and snag em all next gen. Then they will crush Nintendo and be the only game in town, then castly overcharge for everything like they do with windows.

I agree.


Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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both nintendo and sony learn their lesson too.

next gen multiplatform release will be more common, it will be first party will decide who will win and price.

HanzoTheRazor said:
Squilliam, why do u love M$ so much? Is it cause you are a PC gamer maybe?


The question is why do so many people hate MS?


Cause Sony is in 3rd place this gen,i rarely see Wii fans trolling about 360.



Hmm, you could be right. But I can't see Nintendo losing the Next-gen, unless they make some big mistakes.

But I think Microsoft is already blazing to be honest.