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Forums - Gaming Discussion - if all the systems were the same price which one would sell the most?

please people 'casuals' are not complete idiots. they (the majority) know that wii,360 and PS3 are all game machines. there are a lot of casuals are 11-18 males

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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PS3 followed closely by the Wii, X360 far behind both.






kunaixhaku said:
tuoyo said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?

Not another of these threads.  Let me take a wild guess - you are a Sony fan.  Correct?  Because imagining fantasy console prices seems to be a hobby of PS3 fans.

Anyway to answer a question that has no place in reality and has been asked a million times -

(i) if consoles were $1 Wii would sell the most

(ii) if $600 PS3 would sell the most

(iii) if consoles were $250 Wii would sell the most


someones depressed, need a lil imagination in your life buddy? and i guess more than 80% of the people in this thread said ps3, they are all fanboys too right? your the only normal human being in the world right? and since your sayin the wii i should call u a nintendo fanboy now? and if you don't like "another one of these threads" why u in it?


What people said is irrelevant and I think most agree that if PS3 dropped to $250 it would still be outsold by the Wii.  But even if most said PS3 (you will note I said if Wii and PS3 were $600 PS3 would sell more) they were answering your question.  But you started the thread.  And the reason why it is so obvious you are a PS3 fan is because it is only PS3 fans that keep starting these threads day after day after day because getting consoled by the thought maybe if the PS3 wasn't so expensive it wouldn't be getting left behind in sales is all Sony fans seem to have nowadays. 


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tuoyo said:
kunaixhaku said:
tuoyo said:
kunaixhaku said:

The Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3. Personally i think the ps3 cuzz of ps2's success, value and hardware doesnt freakn break on lil kids and make them cry( like some 360's) lol. What do you guys think?

Not another of these threads.  Let me take a wild guess - you are a Sony fan.  Correct?  Because imagining fantasy console prices seems to be a hobby of PS3 fans.

Anyway to answer a question that has no place in reality and has been asked a million times -

(i) if consoles were $1 Wii would sell the most

(ii) if $600 PS3 would sell the most

(iii) if consoles were $250 Wii would sell the most


someones depressed, need a lil imagination in your life buddy? and i guess more than 80% of the people in this thread said ps3, they are all fanboys too right? your the only normal human being in the world right? and since your sayin the wii i should call u a nintendo fanboy now? and if you don't like "another one of these threads" why u in it?


What people said is irrelevant and I think most agree that if PS3 dropped to $250 it would still be outsold by the Wii.  But even if most said PS3 (you will note I said if Wii and PS3 were $600 PS3 would sell more) they were answering your question.  But you started the thread.  And the reason why it is so obvious you are a PS3 fan is because it is only PS3 fans that keep starting these threads day after day after day because getting consoled by the thought maybe if the PS3 wasn't so expensive it wouldn't be getting left behind in sales is all Sony fans seem to have nowadays. 


but its true, the first thing people say to a ps3 is its "too expensive". fanboy or no fanboy its tru lol


*Threads like these really shows how disconnected with reality fanboys are. You seriously have got to live on another planet if you think the PS3 would sell the most, and another universe if you think the 360 would. Get a grip on reality, people.

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Wii >= PS3 >>>>>> Xbox360. I think the gap between PS3 and Wii will be close. Sometimes PS3 win and sometimes Wii. But i think wii will sell a little bit more because it appeal to casual games while PS3 for hardcore. This is the main reason why PS1 and PS2 are very successful. Xbox360 don't have any chance to win and will dead quickly (especially in Japan). Most of games in X360 are same as PS3. Plus PS3 has Blu Ray, free online, strong brandname.

RolStoppable said:

At this point of time the Wii without a doubt.

What if all systems were sold at the same profit margin, which one would sell the most? Bonus question: By how much would the Wii outsell the HD consoles under these conditions?


You really think the Wii would sell more than the PS3 if they were the same price??  You realize the Wii is half the price of the PS3 right now....right??  Same profit margin is easy, Wii, cuz both other consoles would have to go up in price to make the same amount of profit per console.  As far as how much..probably just a little more than it's outselling them now.

I can not believe there are so many people who believes the ps3 would outsell the wii if they had the same price. That would mean that the ps3 would triple in sales.

It would also indicate that the ps3 would be like 5 times better than the xbox360 (since the xbox360 is only 200 dollars and is still not selling half as much as the wii) and considering that xbox360 has for now a superior line-up, I am pretty sure that it is not the case (I'm not saying the xbox360 is a better console, but that the ps3 can not be seen as the absolute best console).

Ok..take, oh, I don't know..a Ford Mustang. Cut the price in half. Watch what happens to sales...

What I'm saying is, the PS3 sells over 200k at $400-$500. If you cut the price in half, the value of the console would be jaw-dropping. Awe-inspiring. Amazing. The sales would go through the roof.

yea i think the ps3 would sell the most if at launch it cost $300 since there were so many millions of ps2 owners so its simple logic, only a fanboy will argue that the 360 or wii would out sell the ps3 but the fact of matter is again ps2 has millions of owners so with a $300 dollar system of course everyone would flock to the ps3. and of course since ps3 is $300 people can afford a 360 too and then a wii or which ever you prefer first, bottom line is all 3 systems would sell very well.