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Forums - Sony Discussion - My first Sony system - the PSP

congratz,,,the only thing i know is that i always wanted to play syphon filter ,crush,and GOW: chains of Olympus but i don't have a PSP




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Thanks for all the answers.

I like what I've seen so far. I had my first steak in MHF2 in front of beautiful landscapes. Great visuals, fun game already in the training missions, the loading times are less annoying than I thought.

To those who can't believe that I skipped the PS2: It's never too late, I think the system will be on shelves for some more years (and secretly I hope that we'll see another PS3 with BC in Europe some day). But as I said before, I'm more into handheld gaming at the moment.

The best thing about purchasing a system years after launch is that you have the possibility to choose your preferred games from an established library.

@CaptainPrefrences: No, thanks.

My first Sony system was the Playstation 2. You should also get a PS2. It has a huge variety of games. If you are planning to get a ps3, I would wait until late 2009.


Congratulations, mine is arriving next month, so your thread will be useful for me as well lol.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

great! welcome aboard

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No Castlevania? A shame...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I already have Dawn of Sorrow on DS. At the moment I don't plan to buy another Castlevania, but if, it will be either Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia.

On PSP I rather want games from franchises which I've never played before.

Good choice. I just bought one as well!

Congratz! I have to say that your "definite purchases" list is very sexy, you'll love all of them! Lumines and locorroco rock!

okr said:

I already have Dawn of Sorrow on DS. At the moment I don't plan to buy another Castlevania, but if, it will be either Portrait of Ruin or Order of Ecclesia.

On PSP I rather want games from franchises which I've never played before.

I see.  I assume you haven't played Symphony of the Night, though, which is included in full as an unlockable in Dracula X Chronicles and is perhaps the best title in the series.  All I'm saying is, if you see it on the cheap, consider it. 

If you like puzzle games, you might also check out Crush and Echochrome.

EDIT:  Also, if you like rhythm-action games, I highly recommend Gitaroo Man Lives!

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.