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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will PS3 have a successful year in 2009?

Well, 2008 is almost over and the PS3 has had some highlights this year. Unfortunately with the brand new dashboard for the 360 and the wii's weekly impressive sales have defeated the ps3. In 2009, PS3 is gearing up to release blockbuster titles for 2009. Almost every vgchartz forum on sony asks the question "will PS3 do this or that?" Now here are some of things ps3 will have in 2009:


Game Library

PS3 has some great games that are going to be released this year. Here are some of the exclusive titles that  are confirmed for 2009.

1) Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier (TBA 2009)

2) God of War III (TBA 2009)

3) Killzone 2 (February 17, 2009)

4) MAG (TBA 2009)

5) Uncharted 2 (TBA 2009)

6) Infamous (May 1, 2009)

7) Quantum Theory (TBA2009)

8) Heavy Rain (TBA 2009)

Thats bascially some of the games for 2009 that are exclusive.

Next, PS3 price cut.

PS3 price cut

Sony has no other choice but to have a price cut for 2009. Xbox 360 recently had a price cut and is now having great weekly sales. I understand why PS3 couldn't have one for 2008 because of financial problems and how much money they lost. However, they need to have a price cut for 2009. Now the exact time to do this would be either Spring 2009 or Summer 2009. I prefer Spring 2009. This is what the prices should be for the following bundles:

Playstation 3 40gb ($299.99)

Playstation 3 80gb ($399.99)

Playstation 3 160gb ($349.99)


Alright next is the online service PSN.

Playstation Network

I know PSN userbase has finally increased which is a good thing. However you still can't compare it the impressive Xbox Live userbase and amazing online service. Don't get me wrong PSN online service is great and not to mention it is free. However, you are better off spending $50 for Xbox Live. It has a huge variety of great online games you can purchase. When it comes to playing first person and third person shooters on XBL, the experience is amazing. I guess XBL is better because it came out earlier and it had more time to develop. PSN is now starting to delevop and become impressive time after time. More users keep coming to the 360 almost every second due to the new dashboard and debut of avatars. Even thought Nintendo came up with the idea of avatars in the first place. Anyway, the wii is on a level of their own with their impressive sales weekly. I hope that Playstation Network will have some huge updates for next year and a larger userbase than this year. Its great they have 14 million users for PSN. However, I have higher hopes for them in 2009.


Well, thats pretty much all I have to say for ps3 in 2009. It is looing to be a great year for not only PS3 but Sony.



Around the Network

It depends if they continue to raise prices.


Sony has no other choice but to have a price cut for 2009.

They also have no other choice but not to cut prices in 2009, unless they want to go bankrupt. Well, never say never, if the dollar/euro/pound/etc recover and Sony can miraculously make profits even with the economic downturn they could do a price cut, but even then I don't think they'd cut prices by $100, more like $50. In any case, it's a long shot to count on price cuts next year (be glad if they don't have to increase their prices).

As for games, it does seem like they have some good games coming out, but probably nothing extraordinary compared to other platforms.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

@NJ5, thats why i said i understand them not having a price cut. However, when you really look at it, they have to have one in 2009. Them not having a price cut only keeps them behind in sales week after week. They won't go bankrupt but at the same time they won't make much money. They fo have some good titles being released next year. hopefully one of them will sell more than 1 million first week worldwide. Only, MGS4 has done that and it was worldwide release.


I seriously doubt the new dashboard had anything to do with the high 360 sales.....

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

Around the Network

Sure if they drop the price by at least $50.00 and optimally $100.00

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

@taxman, well okay what i meant was really their price cut instead of the dashboard. but you got to admit the updates are impressive.


Snake612 said:
@NJ5, thats why i said i understand them not having a price cut. However, when you really look at it, they have to have one in 2009. Them not having a price cut only keeps them behind in sales week after week. They won't go bankrupt but at the same time they won't make much money. They fo have some good titles being released next year. hopefully one of them will sell more than 1 million first week worldwide. Only, MGS4 has done that and it was worldwide release.

You're talking about a 25% price cut on top of currencies which are declining around 20%. Unless the latter problem disappears, that would imply a 40% reduction in PS3 hardware revenue from one year to the next, on a product which wasn't profitable in the first place.

Frankly I think that would be suicide, so they won't do it unless things get better on the factors which are out of their control. Saying "they have to do it" doesn't convince me. It's better to lose the console race than to lose billions more during uncertain times.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

@NJ5, when you make that point, then i have to agree. What can they do to get better weekly sales?


Snake612 said:

Well, 2008 is almost over and the PS3 has had some highlights this year. Unfortunately with the brand new dashboard for the 360 and the wii's weekly impressive sales have defeated the ps3. In 2009, PS3 is gearing up to release blockbuster titles for 2009. Almost every vgchartz forum on sony asks the question "will PS3 do this or that?" Now here are some of things ps3 will have in 2009:


Game Library

PS3 has some great games that are going to be released this year. Here are some of the exclusive titles that  are confirmed for 2009.

1) Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier (TBA 2009)

2) God of War III (TBA 2009)

3) Killzone 2 (February 17, 2009)

4) MAG (TBA 2009)

5) Uncharted 2 (TBA 2009)

6) Infamous (May 1, 2009)

7) Quantum Theory (TBA2009)

8) Heavy Rain (TBA 2009)

Thats bascially some of the games for 2009 that are exclusive.

Next, PS3 price cut.

PS3 price cut

Sony has no other choice but to have a price cut for 2009. Xbox 360 recently had a price cut and is now having great weekly sales. I understand why PS3 couldn't have one for 2008 because of financial problems and how much money they lost. However, they need to have a price cut for 2009. Now the exact time to do this would be either Spring 2009 or Summer 2009. I prefer Spring 2009. This is what the prices should be for the following bundles:

Playstation 3 40gb ($299.99)

Playstation 3 80gb ($399.99)

Playstation 3 160gb ($349.99)


Alright next is the online service PSN.

Playstation Network

I know PSN userbase has finally increased which is a good thing. However you still can't compare it the impressive Xbox Live userbase and amazing online service. Don't get me wrong PSN online service is great and not to mention it is free. However, you are better off spending $50 for Xbox Live. It has a huge variety of great online games you can purchase. When it comes to playing first person and third person shooters on XBL, the experience is amazing. I guess XBL is better because it came out earlier and it had more time to develop. PSN is now starting to delevop and become impressive time after time. More users keep coming to the 360 almost every second due to the new dashboard and debut of avatars. Even thought Nintendo came up with the idea of avatars in the first place. Anyway, the wii is on a level of their own with their impressive sales weekly. I hope that Playstation Network will have some huge updates for next year and a larger userbase than this year. Its great they have 14 million users for PSN. However, I have higher hopes for them in 2009.


Well, thats pretty much all I have to say for ps3 in 2009. It is looing to be a great year for not only PS3 but Sony.


you forgot the new rachet & Clank game, WarDevil, Final Fantasy Versus 13, New David Jaffe Game..