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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do thirdparties dislike Nintendo?

There seems to be an agreement among you guys that thirdparties are not treating Wii that well, for the most part it´s getting PS2 ports or showelvare. No new entries in major series with one or two exeptions (Monster Hunter 3). Some say that it could be the tide is going to change, good games take a couple of years to make and that thirdparties was taken aback with the Wii´s phenomenal succes. If that is true then we should start seeing more qualitygames next year and perhaps it´s looking somewhat better already.

But, it´s still not getting the heavyhitters like PS3/360 and I wonder why. Are thirdparties biased against Nintendo? Have Ninty treated them so badly in the past that they seem to have an agenda against them?

 Maybe this sounds childish but I can´t help to wonder. I could understand why the N64 and GC didn´t get full support, Sony clearly took charge of the gamingindustry and became marketleader but  look at the situation now! Nintendo sells  most hardware by far which gives the biggest oppurtunities for huge softwaresales and the Wii also should be less costly to develop for! That should be an unbeatable combination if you ask me.

Still what thirdparties do now is pulling their force behind PS3/360 combined, treating them like one console of choise, possibly in this way being able to snub Nintendo?

Some say that certain games don´t sell well on Wii, that mostly "casual" games sell would sell well. I think that´s bullshit, if thirdparties would really step it up and produce the big games on Wii I´m certain they would sell ALOT!

 Further some say that thirdparties probably consider HD consoles better to produce games on because of the better graphic  but I cannot buy that. Most companies are interested in making big money which is why Wii should be an unbeatable combination, big hardwaresales+less costly development. Still they mostly ignore Nintendo. What do you think, do thirdparties rather see Sony or Microsoft succed than Nintendo?

Oops this got longer than I thought

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Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.

I don't think it is BS. I wish everyone who bought the wii had to fill out a survey saying there gaming habits. I'm not saying there are some true gamers out there who play the wii, there are plenty, but uhh....honestly, how many people do you have wanting to buy it for there 7 year old kid who plays pokemon or just cause they played wii sports at a friends. I think the wii had a huge viral market.

Now excuse me while i go grab myself a flame sheild and flame retardant suit.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Just look at World at War sales. The sequel to the highest selling shooter of all time and it can't even break 100k on Wii while it's HD counterparts move multiple millions in the same time frame.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Well, if you're sick of sequelitis like I am, then shovelware and ports are more appetizing than "MAJOR SEQUELS" to old and busted franchises. I think it's actually PS360's turn to get something as new and unique as Elebits or bring back a long-dead genre with a new IP like Zack and Wiki. I really don't see a problem here on the Wii front, unless I had some sort of disease that meant I needed 5 new games per month. Besides, I've got hundreds of old games to catch up with anyway.


Play pixel junk eden, LBP, Flow, echochrome.......we have plenty of it.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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soulsamurai said:
I don't think it is BS. I wish everyone who bought the wii had to fill out a survey saying there gaming habits. I'm not saying there are some true gamers out there who play the wii, there are plenty, but uhh....honestly, how many people do you have wanting to buy it for there 7 year old kid who plays pokemon or just cause they played wii sports at a friends. I think the wii had a huge viral market.

Now excuse me while i go grab myself a flame sheild and flame retardant suit.

Hey you're the one supporting Ubisoft.  You're the problem.




yes The Ghost of RubangB said:
soulsamurai said:
I don't think it is BS. I wish everyone who bought the wii had to fill out a survey saying there gaming habits. I'm not saying there are some true gamers out there who play the wii, there are plenty, but uhh....honestly, how many people do you have wanting to buy it for there 7 year old kid who plays pokemon or just cause they played wii sports at a friends. I think the wii had a huge viral market.

Now excuse me while i go grab myself a flame sheild and flame retardant suit.

Hey you're the one supporting Ubisoft.  You're the problem.


haha yes i am I'll proudly say that, I'am open about my wii hating ways :P I do want to say this though, It's not nintendo that i hate. I do have a feeling though me and rubang will be getting to know eachother quite well. We always seem to get into agruments on a thread. Let the friendly rivalry begin i suppose :P


CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Well 3rd parties can't in theory dislike the Wii it has a crazily huge install base , crazy sales , crazily low development costs so theoreticaly all is well.

However when it comes to interpreting the Wii and what the Wii customer wants 3rd parties seem to have alot of trouble , when they try the traditional formula for the new platform (e.g COD:WaW which might still have good legs though) titles seem to perform poorly. When 3rd parties try to release something like the De blob they also miss.

So now alot of 3rd parties must be thinking "WTF we give them traditional games and they don't buy em , we give them innovative games and they don't buy em " But them games like Carnival games are able to sell 2.41 Million copies. I think this dilemma leaves 3rd parties really confused and unwilling to dedicate their best I.P's to the Wii even on a multiplatform release GTA IV , DMC4 etc ( obviously it couldn't be ported to the Wii as is but it could still exist as some form of the originals.)

Seems only certain companies like Nintendo have truly been able to take advantage of the console. The top selling 10 Nintendo games is dominated by Nintendo , According to my count there are only 15 3rd party games that have ever sold more than a million on the Wii Vs Around 45 XBOX 360 3rd parties that have broken the million mark.

Maybe because mostly gamers that own Wii now're gamers from Blue Ocean strategy.And developers analysis that it'll take sometimes for those gamers to turn into hardcore.Between that they trying to learn and get use to Wii by lower their risk and not try to make high-budget exclusive games for Wii.

Instead start with multi-port or low budget game'll be better.I believe that within 1-2 years many game that suit to hardcore gamers will be made for Wii.

And now i think we saw many good sign from many games that come recently.There're more polished ,better graphic and control compare to years ago.