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Forums - Gaming Discussion - miis or avatars?

Avatars are better for upstream and people who like to fiddle around.
Miis are better for simple design and gaming icons and thus more widly marketable.

I like Avatars better, Miis will be more popular.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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SmokedHostage said:
How can anyone say Avatars look human.. they're more robotic than anything else.


Really? have you seen them in action?

So if you had to marry one, you would marry a Mii over an Avatar? o_O


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pbroy said:
SmokedHostage said:
How can anyone say Avatars look human.. they're more robotic than anything else.


Really? have you seen them in action?

So if you had to marry one, you would marry a Mii over an Avatar? o_O

I'd marry a Mii.  If I married an Avatar, she would have to wear a paper bag every day.  And 2 during sex.


Pixel Art can be fun.