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Forums - Sales Discussion - will NXE, Translate Into Higher xbox 360 Sales ?

I'm sorry, but somebody who wants to own two 360s and a Wii is not your average casual customer.

More than 90% of gamers (casual or not) only own one console.

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Neither NXE, nor Home will make a noticeable sales difference for their respective consoles.

People buy consoles for games, not for pretty avatars.

Not many just more RROD's.

WiiStation360 said:
Neither NXE, nor Home will make a noticeable sales difference for their respective consoles.

People buy consoles for games, not for pretty avatars.


Ya know, I used to think people buy consoles for the games too. I used to think that too....

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.