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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Am I the only one looking forward to PAID avatar clothing?

Valkyria00 said: you are the guys they pull in with that garbage.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Squilliam said:
Alasted said:
I'd pay good money to have Tali's environmental suit.

You'd probably pay good money to see Tali without her environmental suit!


No argument here, brother.  No argument here.

seece said:
pbroy said:
I would. I did for Maple story.


Good for you Pbroy :) Question, would you buy female avatar clothing? LOL are you planning to keep your avatar female for life?

I might change it up. We'll see if I get bored of it. She's so hot though. n_n



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nope. I'm a cheap bastard. I would just be creative with the free stuff.

Wouldn't mind some Slayer stuff for the little chap. :D

Will you teach me to football?

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Yeah, paid clothes FTW, more variety in the colours of the suits would be nice (only black or white to choose from? what the hell?)

Squilliam said:
Alasted said:
I'd pay good money to have Tali's environmental suit.

You'd probably pay good money to see Tali without her environmental suit!



I don't know dude... look at those legs... they extend the wrong way and I'm guessing her "skin" is probably not a flexiable as ours.  I think that it would be cool to bundle them with Themes and have them in special edition sets for games.  I'm sure that OXM will be getting more than a few on their disc that you can only get there as well... kind of like gamer pics they get.

I'd pay for some sweet threads. I want Gears and Halo please, with maybe some Gordon Freeman.

I also want to put a vision cam pic on my t-shirt.

I think Microsoft said they were releasing new avatar clothing/options every two weeks. I'm looking forward to it too.

Cueil said:
Squilliam said:
Alasted said:
I'd pay good money to have Tali's environmental suit.

You'd probably pay good money to see Tali without her environmental suit!



I don't know dude... look at those legs... they extend the wrong way and I'm guessing her "skin" is probably not a flexiable as ours.


Nevermind the fact she'd probably die quickly without the suit... you better be swift like a rabbit.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).