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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I'm a bit late but I've finished TP

I purchased a GC for WW and TP and those 2 were easily my biggest dissapointments.
WW i didnt have any real high expectations so it wasnt such a big dissapointment.

As a huge OoT and MM fan i was very happy when they showed TP continuing the more mature Zelda.

But everything was just meh.

Epona was decent at most(i played SotC before this game)Agro > Epona

Story = meh

swordfighting is the same as the n64 zeldas although this should be a good thing, releasing almost 10 years after OoT i expected a bit more.

as for athmostspehere, both OoT and MM blow this game out of the water.

Also the Wolf thing was very dull in my opinion.

The double clawshots are nice though.

The whole item/dungeon thing is getting somewhat old also.
Get item A to proceed to Dungeon A to get Item B which is used to enter Dungeon B etc etc.
way too linair

Anyway dont hate me cuz i am a very big zelda fan( except for the latest 2)

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It's the best Zelda game I've ever played.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Well you are a little late to show but that's ok. I keep trying to get my roommate to play a Zelda game and he keeps saying he will but he keeps going back to GTA or some generic shooter.

I'm with a few others here in that it's my least liked 3d Zelda but that doesn't mean anything because it's my favorite game on the wii.

Characterization of Ganondorf was a bit weak, but I have to admit that this incarnation of him was probably the scariest and the best at just wrecking things.

I just couldn't get into the game. I mean now as I am speaking I want it, but in my opinion the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker was the best ever. I was so hooked on that game, it wasn't funny. I beat that game 2 times. It was nice having and I am going to buy it again on the Gamecube once I am able to find a copy.

Twilight Princess was a little difficult to begin with. Everything was repetitive but again that was only me judging the game for about 2 or so hours into it.

I will buy it again once I complete Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution and Super Mario Galaxy.

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WW > TP > OoT.


Well at the time, the Gamecube wasn't mine. I never owned a Gamecube until now. I have my

But I was borrowing a friends Gamecube so I can play Wind Waker and I only got the chance to finish it 2 times because he wanted it back for some strange reason. I was glad to finish it the second time, so I could under cover some secrets within the game.


Cool, glad you liked Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess better than Wind Waker.
I'm just happy Nintendo did the cel-shading part in Wind Waker, thats what kept me hooked to the game. Just looking at the graphics was enough for me to complete it.

Soriku said:
TWW is like the best looking game ever for me. I want a new cel shaded Zelda. The new PoP for the HD consoles...I want the next Zelda to look like that.


Wish hard enough and you might get it, but I'm more concerned about the what-do-youcall-it - inevitable gameplay revolution for the series.

I don't know what's with people's obsession over WW here... It's the same formula, with less dungeons, empty huge boring sea and ugly looking characters that have huge heads/eyes and tiny bodies/hands/feet.

TP was great, the artstyle is amazing, it fits the series, and the controls are what I expected it to be (Wii). I really liked the cutscenes... The presentation, imo, was the best in the series. Midna is easily my favourite partner. The bosses are too easy and the formula is outdated, though. It's been the same since A Link to the Past.

I really hope the next Zelda takes the series a step further and makes it feel fresh again.

lolita said:
I don't know what's with people's obsession over WW here... It's the same formula, with less dungeons, empty huge boring sea and ugly looking characters that have huge heads/eyes and tiny bodies/hands/feet.

TP was great, the artstyle is amazing, it fits the series, and the controls are what I expected it to be (Wii). I really liked the cutscenes... The presentation, imo, was the best in the series. Midna is easily my favourite partner. The bosses are too easy and the formula is outdated, though. It's been the same since A Link to the Past.

I really hope the next Zelda takes the series a step further and makes it feel fresh again.


WW > TP like tenfold.. TP was horrible.


OoT > ALL.

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