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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - GC Remakes = Nintendo buying the 3rd parties some time.

So you're saying no single hardcore Gamecube owener have ever played RE games for the GC before???

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DTG said:
So you're saying no single hardcore Gamecube owener have ever played RE games for the GC before???


"We" is a first person pronoun.

my theory is the ports are aimed at casuals. its a easy way to introduce these people to nintedo's core titles (also more likely to buy with budget price). This way they may be able to convert casuals into core fans, increasing sales of their big franchises. the msot obvious one being pikmin although also metroid. whether we get wii sequels to donkey kong or anymore mario sports titles i dont know.

also you theory makes no sense. if they wanted to give help third partys surely they would delay punch out/S&P2/Trace Memory/ whatever else they are releasing Q1, in order to give more sales to the likes of madworld, little kings story, house of the dead and fragile

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Even if a single persona has played the game in the past before it makes the idea of porting it to a new system reprehensible because you are essentially selling several years old technology at near or full price

DTG said:
Even if a single persona has played the game in the past before it makes the idea of porting it to a new system reprehensible because you are essentially selling several years old technology at near or full price


That's not what you said at all. You really should stick to what you say.

Even if you're a terrible, terrible liar.

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I wouldn't mind if the Wii weren't completely backwards compatible. This is just a scam.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
I wouldn't mind if the Wii weren't completely backwards compatible. This is just a scam.


See, DTG, this is how you disagree with Nintendo while not being a liar.

And in response to this post I am going to play the living Hell out of Metroid Prime with Wii controls. It's almost impossible to find the damn game new anyway.

DTG said:
So you're saying no single hardcore Gamecube owener have ever played RE games for the GC before???

Are you saying there aren't a lot of Wii owners who never had a chance to play these games? Long out of print games are very hard to find, and it wouldn't be that hard to slap on waggle controls for them. Why is it a bad thing to offer games at a cheap price?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

DTG said:
Because we've played them several years ago, that's why.

Because the ports aren't for you or the core Nintendo fans. How many GC owners were there when Pikmin came out? How many Wii owners does this have a chance to sell too now?


No it's on re release to find an opperunity to share some of the excellent mechanics with a new crowd and easier controls. The reason why PS2 ports a stupid is because it was already released on the peoples platform. They are pretty much just reselling to the same market.


Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

As far as I see it, Nintendo sees every 3rd party as competition on their console. All first party devs see this. But they allow them on because they know it's a necessity to their success. But I do think Nintendo is making more strides to allow 3rd parties a better competitive surface on their platform (by allowing Ubisoft to show off Red Steel as the first Wii game they ensured its success). And of course more recently they've taken on games such as The Conduit, Madworld, and Monster Hunter 3 to help 3rd parties see success on the console.

But in no way would they ever delay some of their or hold off on them for the sake of a 3rd party game. That's just a silly business model. Now they might delay, per se, a game releasing on the same week as The Conduit for competitive reasons but that's it.

But from their treatment of 3rd parties in the earlier days, Ninty has come a long way.