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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony has already passed on a huge price cut to EU/Others (in effect)

I'd suspect that as with most of things produced in east Asia they pay to manufacturers in dollars. However this will still partially hurt them as a lot of their R&D costs and other manpower costs come in Yen.

And situation in UK is diffrent as they have much smaller prices than EU euro zone.
They pay 300 pounds for ps3 while rest of europe pay 400 euros. So while it was ok in times of pound to euro exchange ratio of 1,33 to 1 this isn't too good situation for them when pound is somewhere arounds 1.15 to 1 now.

I only hope it won't effect the pricing of games as I'm ordering almost all my console games in UK becouse it's cheaper than in Poland.


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Well i think they dont have a choice anyway, and eventually will have a price cut in next few months. Even at such huge loss if they want to remain in competition.

Almost all the components in the PS3 are manufactured in China these days (a few parts from Taiwan, a few from Japan, etc.). Think Chinese yuan, not US dollars or EU euros. The exchange rate of the yuan has been broadly stable vis-a-vis the dollar, but has declined slightly against the euro. Given this, plus continued cost reductions and ultra-cheap BluRay diodes, Sony has room to cut the PS3's price.

But they haven't, which stuns me. We're headed into the worst global recession since the 1930s, raw materials and energy prices are falling, and consumers can't afford expensive equipment. If they don't cut the price at all this holiday season, that will be the third-worst corporate decision ever made in videogame history - the first being Microsoft's RRoD and the second the lack of BluRay support in the X360.

They are competitive - if you factor the cost of several years of Live subscription and additional xbox equipment if you want to use wireless you are looking for not that much more for ps3 80.

But Sony is extremly bad at communicating this message to consumer while MS is very good at hiding additional costs of ownership.