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what food do u love and cant stop eating, your favourite

Around the Network

i eat anything and everthing

You fat bastard lol, I like pizza and pasta it says on my profile information, in fact most people put it on their profile information so there is no point in this thread

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

vg chartz please note stovo has used explicit language and should be BANNED

no joking plz dont its my fault he said it if anyone should be banned it should be me

Around the Network
fatso said:
vg chartz please note stovo has used explicit language and should be BANNED



WTF I was only joking dude, anyway you said your the same person as Fat so should be banned for makning multiple acounts

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

stovo said:
fatso said:
vg chartz please note stovo has used explicit language and should be BANNED



WTF I was only joking dude, anyway you said your the same person as Fat so should be banned for makning multiple acounts



i no and so was i and by the way i said i was fat as in large and obese not the account.

i like pasta

dogsforlife said:
i like pasta

do u like rabbit stew lol

yes its alright