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Forums - Sales Discussion - How many "new" 360s do you think are purchased due to RROD?

Hooray for insanity?

Jar-Jar references won't get you in people's sigs because the new Star Wars movies aren't that good... Jar-Jar also is one of the worst movie characters ever.


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Meesa like jar jar meesa dont care if yu hate him cuz meesa not easly offended ovah da interwebz! :)

2011 oo yess u vill CARE. Atleast i will :D. I dink dah next g3n cuns0ls vill cum at the end of 2011. PS3 by 2012 LET ME HAVE MY VIEW OGAY!?

I agree the star wars movies arent that good compared to :

Star Wars
Jedi's of Freedom
Story Of Shree & Aldro Koon JKA Edition
Link =

Scroll down and press the 4 episodes we made together they are 1h and 50 min.

Story of S&A
The One
Secret Academy

Mohahahahahahaha My movies ftw XD

The attach rate wouldn't be as high as it is if this argument held any weight.

Sorry I need to say this. I have a 360 and a PS3 and both has crashed on me. YES THAT IS BOTH. I am not a fan boy just some one that see things how they are. The 360 got the red lights and I was upset. I called MS and within 24 hours I had a UPS van waiting to take it away. I tracked it every sep of the way by MS website and it came home 6 days later. I got free arcade games and 3 months xbox live. Now let talk about the PS3, I turned it on one night and updated the frameware, I accept all the messages and away it went. After it rebooted it sat at just a wavey line. So I turned it of and went to bed, the next night the same so I called the shop I got it from and they gave me Sony's number, which I called I sat on the phone for over 45 mins being passed from person to person, in the end they said it was my fault and as I had excepted the agreement I would need to pay £150 for a repair. YES THAT £150. I told them where to go and took it down to my nearest games shop and they sorted it for £100.

So noboby with a PS3 talk about the RROD because it is nothing compared PS3 Problems, yes I agree it is probably more widespread but in the end it is all to do with customer service and MS have it in bucket loads and sony is just shocking.

That sucks Christy! :(

But we PS3 can talk about the RROD you know why? BECUSE MOST OF US HAVENT GOT A PROBLEM WITH OUR CONSOLES lol.

I know no one in person thats had a problem with their PS3 although i only know like 10 ppl.

I know like 4-5 xbox users ALL of them have experienced the rrod. Some several times.

33%/20%/WHAT 10%? Ok fine 5% rrod

0.01% PS3 failure? Or what was it ? 0.1? Not sure.. anyway its less..

Just sayin'!..

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It doesnt :o i said before the gap is 400k if they released at the same time XD

Plus the prices PS3 is double the 360. SO NO! We outsold 360 the entire beginning of 08 Now late is ur turn and beginning 09 then its our turn late 09 to beginning of 10.

BUt i think we got some better exclusives coming ( MY OPINION!!!! ).

Short answer: N0.


Naw sorry my english isnt that well but that was a miss from me change the we to PS3.

JBoogie said:
Did I not say hypothetically? And Im perfectly aware of the failure rate now, hence my usage of the past tense. If you illiterates would please read the title it is a very simple question. Im perfectly aware of replacements, but what about before this. Reading is your friend. And @ seece, by looking at your recent posts and game library,your profile is very MS based, so please dont be a hypocritical jerk.


Just because I own an Xbox 360 doesn't mean I'm a fanboy, I'm open to the possibility of buying a PS3 if the right game comes along. Doesn't matter if you mean hypothetically, that just makes it worse as your obviously just trying to get people riled up.


jasper failure rate is in the PS3 standards...

Whats the reason of doing this kind of trollind thread????

Just think the ur is 360 and we is ps3 :)