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Forums - Sales Discussion - How many "new" 360s do you think are purchased due to RROD?

Since its had up to a 33% failure rate, lets hypothetically say that 100% of that 1/3 re bought a system. I dont feel like doing the exact math, but thats between 7-8 million units. Whats the gap between 360 and PS3? Is the 360 kinda cheating? Thats just hypothetically speaking. But what percent do you think is a re buy?

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Ugh I got a warning for insulting somebody on here so I won't do again, just know that I really really really want to right now.

The failure rate was 33% AT launch. That rate is far smaller now. I can only imagine a large majority of RROD consoles are sent in to Microsoft for free repairs.

Stop being such a fanboy.


Did I not say hypothetically? And Im perfectly aware of the failure rate now, hence my usage of the past tense. If you illiterates would please read the title it is a very simple question. Im perfectly aware of replacements, but what about before this. Reading is your friend. And @ seece, by looking at your recent posts and game library,your profile is very MS based, so please dont be a hypocritical jerk.

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Uhm... my friends xbox rrod'ed like 6 months ago. They told him they cant repair it and that he shouldnt have put it in a heat area even though his was lying in middle of the floor in his room XD. He even had warrin..ty or how it spells but he had to buy a new one ( He got an elite one and that works fine atm :) THEN AGAIN ITS ONLY 6 MONTHS PATIENCE MOHAHAHA CMON RED RINGS XD). NAw but it was sad, we went to funeral and all XD ok now im just messing. Anyway just wanted to share that :o..


JBoogie said:
Did I not say hypothetically? And Im perfectly aware of the failure rate now, hence my usage of the past tense. If you illiterates would please read the title it is a very simple question. Im perfectly aware of replacements, but what about before this. Reading is your friend. And @ seece, by looking at your recent posts and game library,your profile is very MS based, so please dont be a hypocritical jerk.

That doesn't mean he's a fanboy though.

Anyways, no one knows and almost no one cares. We're more interested in future sales.

And to Aldro, no... stops it nao!

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I HAVE 3 FRIENDS, that had the old model and decided buy the FALCON one to get out of problems... so it´s true!!!

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

That´s about buying a new one is TRUE.

I have 3 friends that stayed so messed up, they all got the Falcon X360 to get reed of troubles... Even I want to buy one X360 because they are free RROD

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

kowenicki said:
@jboogie. let it go.. its a nonsense arguement and a hypothetical debate is kind of pointless dont you think.

@ Aldro. Methinks you may be being economical with the truth.. and STOP posting on my wall making demands.


 I have no clue what you just said XD. Besides the wall thing :D. BUT YOU MUST ADD ME TO YOUR SIG! PLZ :( Ok fine ill add my self :'(.


economical with the truth? whats economical? you mean im lying becuse thats all i can kinda put in the sentence :o.

Now now we all know Aldro is a big fanboy meesa like gungans too! but meesa never lai! meesa not trai to! lai is dah path to dah d4rk s1d3! Seriously though that did happen. He had one ring only ( I thought u get 3 ) o.o and they answerd him like it was his fault and eventually he got a elite one (That bish should have learned his lession!). But I LUV HIM :=). Belive me if u like too <3.

Aldro, you can't get added because your post makes no sense.

:'( Meesa feels sad *Goes to corner and cries*

I just said my prediction is that PS3 will overtake the 360 Q1 2011 XD. I have no facts or slightest idea how, I JUST KNOW IT! Its my Jedi Sniff! I feel something.. Illusive...

THat was for u HALOOOOOO Hello to you too

Kowen YEAH I MEAN WHAT MORRON BUYS A THING AFTER IT BROKE! 360 Must be awesome! Id sell my PC to buy a new PS3 if my broke so maby he just loved his as i love my :D Both do have AWESOME SOFTWARE!