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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So im typing on a Microsoft keyboard with a Microsoft mouse...

The only software/hardware made by M$ that I use are windows xp and WMP11 for streaming to my ps3.

I use vlc media player to play videos and iTunes for music, firefox 3 for the web

I have a logitech mouse and a hp laptop (I'm in college)

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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LOL I am not an uber developer. I develop backend components for websites using Java EJBs, Servlets, RMI, etc. I am good at developing very robust, reusable, and maintable software. None of which directly involves me with the browser. Sometimes I will create JSPs for people but that is about it. For those cases I use Firefox for the Firebug plugin. YSlow is a nice plugin as well. Other than that there are not many sites that I frequent. I will go to Sun for Java API references, msdn for C# APIs, and just recently Adobe for Flex API references. And of course VGChartz. But with what I do on the internet, the browser I use makes little difference.

Squilliam said:
bardicverse said:
yeah dude seriously. Internet Explorer? You like security breaches much?

haha do you have Microsoft underoos on too?


 Im on my HTPC at the moment using a Microsoft Blu Tooth Entertainment centre 7000 with an 8000 series Blu Tooth laser mouse, using Interwebs explorer on Vista 64 with 6gb of ram.

But it works well, and I only use it because everyone else uses Firefox, I like to be different.


How is that to be different, IE has a marketshare of almost 50% and is still bigger than the FF one...

If you really want to be different use Opera or Safari... 4% between the two of them

And if we are speaking about application security, Apple has yet to embrace the concept of security from an application development standpoint. Regardless of OS, if you use iTunes, you are not secure. Safari is right there with it as well.

MAC OS is the most insecure OS, the thing is there's not enough people or corporations trying to find its flaws like they do with Windows...

In a hacking contest Mac OS was the first to go down, Windows XP SP2 was 2nd and Ubuntu didn't go down...

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The Anarchyz said:
Squilliam said:
bardicverse said:
yeah dude seriously. Internet Explorer? You like security breaches much?

haha do you have Microsoft underoos on too?


Im on my HTPC at the moment using a Microsoft Blu Tooth Entertainment centre 7000 with an 8000 series Blu Tooth laser mouse, using Interwebs explorer on Vista 64 with 6gb of ram.

But it works well, and I only use it because everyone else uses Firefox, I like to be different.


How is that to be different, IE has a marketshare of almost 50% and is still bigger than the FF one...

If you really want to be different use Opera or Safari... 4% between the two of them


i used to be a staunch supporter of Opera. Until most of the flash sites wouldn't load. =\