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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who's Never Going to Play B3yond?

Who's Never Going to Play B3yond?
Sony Discussion 39 replies (-110 new), started by: blazinhead89




LOL, wth negative replies >_>

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ill never get one after sony's arrogance at E306 and the price tag and the sixaxis motion sensing rip off
i cant forgive them

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I doubt I will get one now. I may get a PS2 at some point though. The economy is going to destroy the PS3, which would make it pointless to get imo.

I will not be getting one. But it's not that I wouldn't like one, I just don't have any reason too. I already spend more money than I should on gaming, and have more games than I have time to play.

Besides, I have a very general plan of switching off each generation between getting an Xbox and Playstation. Because, then, next gen, when I have a PS4, I can play games from this gen that I missed. Again, I said a very general plan. It depends on both companies making a next gen console, both of them continuing to have backward compatibility, and no new consoles from a new entrant into the industry.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

I won`t get any consoles this gen. It`s just not worth it. The last 3 gens are filled with enough games that I haven`t played to keep me busy. Can any of you believe that I have yet to finish A Link To The Past? I`ve played it, but never got arround to finish it. And I have the original cartridge.

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Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

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I have no plan on getting one. I have a wii and DS, that keeps me very busy. Also, I don't have the money for it atm. I'm eventually going to get a 360, but don't have money atm. With alot of the games I wanted going multiplatform, I have no problem getting the cheaper HD system.

Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS

Never, is an awfully long time.

I'd say that right now, I have no intention of getting one, for no other reason than the 360 is keeping me in plenty enough games to fill the little free time I have.

THIS deal happens though: and you better believe I'm getting one (for the Blu-Ray player alone I'd pay this).

I wouldn't even have one if it wasn't because I got a launch system as a gift. Zero PS3 exclusives even interest me, with the exception of MGS4 only because I was a MGS fan since PS1.

It's the same thing with the majority of my friends and all my family, none seem interested in the PS3 but most either have or are getting a 360 this Christmas.

Me and 2 of my friends (not counting my cousin's cousin) are the only ones out of everyone I know in real life who have ALL 3 next-gen consoles. None of my co-workers at a damn video game store even own all 3, one guy owns none and plays his PS2.. Lol.

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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

not interested I've got a wii and am planning on getting a 360.


The only console I've ever owned was a Colecovision. My son has a Wii (and a N64, GC & PS2 prior) and wants a 360 but would settle for a PS3 (which would only make sense if it was cheaper than the 360 but it isn't). If my son moves out next fall to live on campus I'll get a Wii for myself. If I get rich I might get a 360 - then again, if I was rich I'd get a $3000 PC and screw the 360.