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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wow.... how can two sites be so opposed?

namely, whats with the ridiculously low scores 1up are giving Wii games!?

Skate it:

Skate It comes highly recommended. The original Skate rejuvenated skating games with a new control scheme and a real sense of freedom, and that success carries over to the Wii.


And that's a small taste of the poor control scheme. The slightest twitch or turn of the Wii-mote creates a wholly new effect -- and frequently, it's one you don't even want. It's even worse on the Wii Balance Board; by default, the turning is overly responsive, even after reducing the board's sensitivity. However, this makes it harder for the device to register a trick.


Castlevania Judgement

In the list of games I'm dying to play in the Castlevania series, a 3D fighter was about as far from the top as possible, but Judgment was a pleasant surprise.


As a fighter, Castlevania Judgment employs too many design ideas that are neither well planned nor well executed. It's a strange misstep for the beloved series, one that Konami hopefully learns from.


I can understand differences in ratings, but surely that is the type of score you give a shovelware game like carnival games or the brothers in arms port? IGN love skate it and were raving about it in the podcasat, and 1up rate it as one of the worst games on the Wii. Now i want to try these two games, because i cant believe they are that bad!






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Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


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1Up gave skate it a D, cause they said the controls suck. Metacritic scores an F as a 0, a D as a 25, C = 50, B = 75, A = 100.

Personally, I view their D as below average, but still functional, where as a 25 looks like complete garbage (which should get an F)

Anyways, IGN said they liked the controls, but they were tough to master. Also, I'm surprised they rated it so high, since they seemed to like Shaun White better, but only gave that a 8.4

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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Metacritic also gives a score of 100 for grades of 'A.' Last I checked, they can give A+, which should be 100. Metacritic's scale is way off.

Everyone knows 1UP used to score on a scale where 5 was average, but fans couldn't handle it because they assume reviews are based on the grading scale used in school. All the sudden metacritic is assuming their grading is still based on C being a 5 when every other publication is using 7. Very odd. Even so, A should be 95 at most, not 100.

What they said.

1Up scores for average games are generally the lowest on Metacritic because of Metacritic's scoring translation system.

Gamerankings translated the same 1Up score for Castlevania Judgement to a 63%, which makes a lot more sense than a 16% for a D.

I've been upset with EGM/1UP for a while in regards to their Wii reviews. Other than some of the biggest and best games, they seem to really dislike Wii games. I think these are two perfect examples. I still think their magazine is one of the best but I have virtually no respect for the reviews and their feelings on video gaming.

I also don't like the idea of using a grade score as in A,B,C,D,F. This isn't school, games shouldn't be reviewed as school homework. For an industry and a magazine trying to reach out to adults, it seems silly to use elementary school scores. I think 1-10 is the best way to review a game other than written word. I wish they would go back to using their old version of reviewing games.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

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coasterlove said:
I've been upset with EGM/1UP for a while in regards to their Wii reviews. Other than some of the biggest and best games, they seem to really dislike Wii games. I think these are two perfect examples. I still think their magazine is one of the best but I have virtually no respect for the reviews and their feelings on video gaming.

I also don't like the idea of using a grade score as in A,B,C,D,F. This isn't school, games shouldn't be reviewed as school homework. For an industry and a magazine trying to reach out to adults, it seems silly to use elementary school scores. I think 1-10 is the best way to review a game other than written word. I wish they would go back to using their old version of reviewing games.


uhm... And the rest of the world usually goes for 1-10 and 1-100 scores in school.  Does that mean that game scores are a reflection of school for us? 

They never should've used those stupid A - F scores anyway (in school either).

In any case, it does seem to be a metacritic problem, but it doesn't look like they're going to adapt anytime soon.

also 1up tends to not like wii games that have differnt control then two analog sticks


papflesje said:
coasterlove said:
I've been upset with EGM/1UP for a while in regards to their Wii reviews. Other than some of the biggest and best games, they seem to really dislike Wii games. I think these are two perfect examples. I still think their magazine is one of the best but I have virtually no respect for the reviews and their feelings on video gaming.

I also don't like the idea of using a grade score as in A,B,C,D,F. This isn't school, games shouldn't be reviewed as school homework. For an industry and a magazine trying to reach out to adults, it seems silly to use elementary school scores. I think 1-10 is the best way to review a game other than written word. I wish they would go back to using their old version of reviewing games.

uhm... And the rest of the world usually goes for 1-10 and 1-100 scores in school. Does that mean that game scores are a reflection of school for us?

They never should've used those stupid A - F scores anyway (in school either).

In any case, it does seem to be a metacritic problem, but it doesn't look like they're going to adapt anytime soon.

What makes you think more of a school grade, an A+ or 100? That wasn't even the main point I was trying to make in my post anyway. I just don't think a letter score is specific enough and is too open to interpretation. I feel that a number is more exact in telling how someone felt for a game.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

coasterlove said:
papflesje said:
coasterlove said:
I've been upset with EGM/1UP for a while in regards to their Wii reviews. Other than some of the biggest and best games, they seem to really dislike Wii games. I think these are two perfect examples. I still think their magazine is one of the best but I have virtually no respect for the reviews and their feelings on video gaming.

I also don't like the idea of using a grade score as in A,B,C,D,F. This isn't school, games shouldn't be reviewed as school homework. For an industry and a magazine trying to reach out to adults, it seems silly to use elementary school scores. I think 1-10 is the best way to review a game other than written word. I wish they would go back to using their old version of reviewing games.


uhm... And the rest of the world usually goes for 1-10 and 1-100 scores in school. Does that mean that game scores are a reflection of school for us?

They never should've used those stupid A - F scores anyway (in school either).

In any case, it does seem to be a metacritic problem, but it doesn't look like they're going to adapt anytime soon.


What makes you think more of a school grade, an A+ or 100? That wasn't even the main point I was trying to make in my post anyway. I just don't think a letter score is specific enough and is too open to interpretation. I feel that a number is more exact in telling how someone felt for a game.


The numbers are open to interpretation as well.  They told people over and over that a 5 was average, but people don't listen.  They think 7 is average.  Why?  Because of school.  Numbers or letters, it's the same thing.

Just to show it is not complete anti-Wii bias

Wii Music got an A- from 1UP and a 5/10 from IGN.

Basically, the Wii does a lot of things differently and some reviewers don't always understand that.

But if you are able to accept it, you can have a great gaming experience.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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