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I qued up a whole bunch of TV shows last night. A-Team, Voltron, Zelda, Captain N, Xena, bunch of History Channel shows, Kim Possible, Hannah Montana.

I ended up watching Hannah Montana.


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I will see if you can stream HD to the pc in a second.

I signed up for Netflix just for the streaming. I'm not big rental guy as I watch things spur of the moment, with this service I can. I collect movies. However there is stuff I passed up because I did not know if it was my type of movies. On netflix I've Already watched a few movies . Some I'll end up picking up for my collection, others I'm glad i saw before buying. The monthly fee has already been worth it

It appears that I cannot stream HD content onto my pc. It never says,"This is available in HD" or whatever it says on 360. I went to the HD genre and clicked on several movies. It could just be that my wireless connection to my laptop is rubbish though.

So if you have Live and Netflix there are a lot of free stuff to download? Or do they cost money to stream or have ads?

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No ads in the streams and it costs at least $8.99 a month for a Netflix subscription. This will also get you one disc in the mail at a time.

pbroy said:
I qued up a whole bunch of TV shows last night. A-Team, Voltron, Zelda, Captain N, Xena, bunch of History Channel shows, Kim Possible, Hannah Montana.

I ended up watching Hannah Montana.


No porn ?


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Sardauk said:
pbroy said:
I qued up a whole bunch of TV shows last night. A-Team, Voltron, Zelda, Captain N, Xena, bunch of History Channel shows, Kim Possible, Hannah Montana.

I ended up watching Hannah Montana.


No porn ?

Who needs porn, when you have a hot Avatar? ~_n


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
JaggedSac said:
No ads in the streams and it costs at least $8.99 a month for a Netflix subscription. This will also get you one disc in the mail at a time.


Is there a list on wikipedia or something of all the free streaming content after you have a subscrition?

I used to have netflix but I like Blockbuster better...


You can just go to Netflix site and just click on browse our watch instantly collecition (on lower corner) to get an idea what they have.

There's a lot of TV show (old and new) and a lot of indie films (which I really enjoy because I would never rent those since I am the only one in my household that would watch foreign or weird obscure movies).

I used to have Blockbuster and it's nice to be able to return the disc there and just pick out new movies but that's probably the only advantage. If you work out your timing on disc returning and add stuff to your queue , you can pretty much always have movies available to watch.