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I liked the NXE well enough so far, though I do wish it were customizeable a bit more.


But the Netflix is AWESOME.  It works way beyond what I thought it would.  My connection is nothing special, but in about 30 seconds I was streaming a movie effortlessly and with a WAY better picture quality than I was anticipating.  


I am VERY impressed with this feature - and the best part is, it's a feature that actually made Xbox Live free, essentially, as I dropped my movies out at a time from 3 to 2, since I'll watch so many on Live.  The money saved covers Gold, and we have a winner.

Well done by Netflix and MS on that one.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

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fastyxx said:

I liked the NXE well enough so far, though I do wish it were customizeable a bit more.


But the Netflix is AWESOME.  It works way beyond what I thought it would.  My connection is nothing special, but in about 30 seconds I was streaming a movie effortlessly and with a WAY better picture quality than I was anticipating.  


I am VERY impressed with this feature - and the best part is, it's a feature that actually made Xbox Live free, essentially, as I dropped my movies out at a time from 3 to 2, since I'll watch so many on Live.  The money saved covers Gold, and we have a winner.

Well done by Netflix and MS on that one.


Nice.  And yes, even HD streaming works amazingly well.  I do not have the best conenction and I get 4 bars when streaming HD.

Nice can you have Blurays sent to your house from there?

Snarf Barf said:
Nice can you have Blurays sent to your house from there?



Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

I wouldn't know. I'm in Canada =/


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.


Around the Network

Yes I'm going to set this up tonight, can't wait!


Yep, Netflix offers Blu-rays. One of the reasons I want to get a player on Black Friday. Granted the deals are good. I will probably never purchase a disc.

Well this will be the true test of next gen movies won't it. If BR disc sales go down and Netflix sales go up consistently over the next year perhaps the argument of downloads beating discs will have some cred.

And sony will be shitting bricks

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

fastyxx said:

I liked the NXE well enough so far, though I do wish it were customizeable a bit more.


But the Netflix is AWESOME.  It works way beyond what I thought it would.  My connection is nothing special, but in about 30 seconds I was streaming a movie effortlessly and with a WAY better picture quality than I was anticipating.  


I am VERY impressed with this feature - and the best part is, it's a feature that actually made Xbox Live free, essentially, as I dropped my movies out at a time from 3 to 2, since I'll watch so many on Live.  The money saved covers Gold, and we have a winner.

Well done by Netflix and MS on that one.



What's the quality compared to HD? And how fast in your connection?

There are certain things that are offered in HD and some are offered in SD. Netflix grades your connection out of 4 bars. I get 4 bars constantly on both sd and hd streams. The HD looks friggen great on my 40" lcd and the SD stuff looks like an SD cable channel. And the best thing about it, is that even the HD streams start playing after about 10-15 seconds.