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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Am I the only person who HASN'T gotten the RRoD?

Mine Red Ringed about 4 months after use. I rarely used it too. I fixed it myself actually since im good with computer just needed a few saudering. Then it starting crapping out again and fucking up my discs. Sold it >.> feel bad for the guy who got it.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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I am looking forward to your "My 360 just RROD" thread, since you just jinx your poor 360. : P

Anyway yes count your blessing your day will come.

Nah my brother didn't get RROD, he had 360 since xmas. *Fingers crossed*

no RROD for me , i dont own a falcon (7/2006)...

I haven't, but I almost don't play my X360 now so...






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I've had my 360 Elite for a year and two months and I haven't gotten it yet. I hope I don't either..

I've had my 360 for two weeks and can proudly say I have never had RROD

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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Ive had 3 xboxes, 2 for over a year each and my latest one for 4 had a dvd drive die but never had RROD on any of them.

Bought my 360 at launch, no rrod so far. *knocks on wood*