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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Wii demand waning? Stock market says "yes"

So let me get this straight.

Demand is somehow down.

Sales are definitely up.

Yet this is cause for a drop of 4% drop in stock price.


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dolemit3 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
dolemit3 said:
The article is taking about the demand, not the sales. The sales are clearly up, but the demand appears to be nowhere near where it was one year ago.


Demand is not measurable on its own, you can't go up to everyone in America and ask if they want a Wii


You can estimate the demand from the sales on Ebay and such. Last year the price was hovering near 400 bucks and now it's about 250 bucks if not lower. The demand is clearly down, hence the drop of Nintendo on the stock market.


You cannot be serious. I refuse to believe it.

This thread is so stupid you should be banned for it.

If you haven't noticed, pretty much EVERY STOCK IN THE WORLD is down because guess what? global demand FOR EVERYTHING is down. Its called a global recession.

Nintendo stock is independant of the demand for Wii. Nintendo stock is extremely volatile these days... like pretty much every company stock.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Pay no attention that the Japanese stock market is down 4%. Sony is down 4%. Just about every Japanese company is down 4%.

But yeah, some guy said it so that must be the reason it's down 4%.

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Yea like Bloomberg knows Jack S**T about video games. We've just had proof how smart those buttheads are.
Guarantee this is based on something scientific like two executives happened to notice that Best Buy or somebody had a few Wiis in stock and thought they were very clever in being the first to notice that "demand was waning", not that supply was up so last month the Wii set an all time record.
They sure don't have any numbers to back them.
People that listen to these investment "experts" are the people that are losing their homes because their life savings just disappeared.

dolemit3 said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
dolemit3 said:
The article is taking about the demand, not the sales. The sales are clearly up, but the demand appears to be nowhere near where it was one year ago.


Demand is not measurable on its own, you can't go up to everyone in America and ask if they want a Wii


You can estimate the demand from the sales on Ebay and such. Last year the price was hovering near 400 bucks and now it's about 250 bucks if not lower. The demand is clearly down, hence the drop of Nintendo on the stock market.

Re-read what you just wrote and tell how it makes any sense...

And using eBay to gauge demand!?  Lame.  All that means is that people now have a better chance of snaggin' a Wii this year at the local Gamestop, Walmart, or BestBuy thanks to Ninty upping production. 


And do you think the drastically increased supply of Wii s in NA right now might have something to do with the lower e-bay prices?

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

The price on eBay is down because the supply is up.
The supply is up because the manufacturing is up.
The manufacturing is up because they are still struggling to meet the incredibly-high demand.

More proof that the stock market is a bunch of retarded monkeys.

It doesn't take a market analyst to realize that the Wii is selling faster than every other gamign system ever made, including the DS. In fact, it just sold twice as much as the DS did in America last week.

Demand as far as stock markets go is 10 months into the future, keep that in mind when you read articles like this.

Also it's demand for Nintendo Products NOT just the Wii, decreased game sales can have a large impact on Nintendo's profits.