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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie: Third parties don't "get" the Wii, more


What kind of game is the right game for wii?

And yeah, no-one should be making excuses. Yet there are some people on these forums who make excuses like "it is a niche title, it is a new ip, it is a watered down version,it was not marketed properly, retailers underestimated the demand" and so on.

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Esa: did you just list Boom Blox, Zack and Wiki, Need for Speed, The Force Unleashed (it's sold 700k for God's sake), Fire Emblem, No More Heroes (best-selling Grasshopper game ever), Fatal Frame (best-selling release of the game ever), and de Blob (which looks to break gold) as flops on the Wii?

You cannot be serious.

Khuutra said:
Esa: did you just list Boom Blox, Zack and Wiki, Need for Speed, The Force Unleashed (it's sold 700k for God's sake), Fire Emblem, No More Heroes (best-selling Grasshopper game ever), Fatal Frame (best-selling release of the game ever), and de Blob (which looks to break gold) as flops on the Wii?

You cannot be serious.



Yes I did, since he said that "We Ski" failed. It has sold more than any of those games. I did not say those games were flops.

Ah-ha. He recalled incorrectly; the game did admirably.

lol...if you look at the DS actually you might understand the Wii is following the same pattern, but slightly different....the difference is really small but anyway

EA sports: Active will fail..sorry

you put ports from last gen..wich was explained earlier

you put CoD3..wich was seen as a bad game..and sold on name alone

debatable for Star Wars..since not many liked the game..some did..and Star Wars games ALWAYS sell well..^^''

if we look at the trend of the DS we might be able to understand that same trend on the Wii..only it's happening more accelerated than on DS

by this time DS had mostly shovelware..and some good games..the Wii is shaping up better I have to say

3d party games? honestly? what GREAT effort has there been form a 3d party?
that's exactly what this thread was about..there haven't been good enough efforts at the right place

Bloom Blox is nice..but was aimed at kids..(advertising)
if they aimed it at might have sold more mind you..

*shrugs* honestly..there hasn't been a try like there have been on the PS3 and 360

and who can blaim them?
everyone thought the Wii would bomb..well..most people.
and since it takes about 2 years to make good games..they didn't do that..but tried to copy nintendo..and as you can see..mostly failed..

downgraded ports failed..ports from last gen sold pretty good..but they ARE old games not MADE for the Wii..(thought Okami and RE4 fit perfectly)

why do sports games fail?...are you KIDDING me?..what does the Wii come with?
the Wii gamers don't need a million madden games..

one each year is a waste..and since the Wii is blue ocean, it means that most consumers are new..and would prefer playing Wii sports over madden

are you following me? okay..why Wii sports over Madden?

obvious answer: it feels more real..since the Wii is about gameplay..

Madden..All-Play? does it feel more real?'s just clunky crap
why not talk about Tiger Woods PGA tour?...
why did it sell greatly? because it feels more real!

starting to catch on now? I sure hope so
why make All-PLay look kiddy? what's the point? Tger Woods doesn't look Kiddy!!

hey!! people have different needs..dude..there is NO such thing as 'casual' or 'hardcore' gamer in that sense..why?

it's impossible for them to play ONLY one of those..

you see...any normal person plays casual games..but a gamer plays core games on top of those...wich means..I'd love to play Wii sports with family..but I don't need my golf sim to look kiddy conclusion: 3d parties think and believe in casual gamers..while they are an urban legend..such a thing DOES NOT EXIST

someone who plays casual games exists..even they might be interested in core games.. I know hardcore tetris and Dr Mario players..and damn..seriously..

but obviously..they must be casual..

I wish more people would understand stuff like this..but here we go..

what's wrong now?

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Khuutra said:
Ah-ha. He recalled incorrectly; the game did admirably.



Actually, that was not the case. The other game he mentioned was deca sports, which has sold almost a million. I think both of those games did great.

I guess I did recall incorrectly *shrugs*

you could take into concideration that some of the games you mentioned haven't had nearly enough time to sell compared to Deca Sports or We Ski

that's why I said: pulling stuff out of your ass

put it into context..look at the sales

if De Blob is selling faster than Deca sports..^^'' I cannot justify that Deca sports is randomly selling to 'teh casualz'


Your posts are irrational at best. I have never mentioned "casual", "hardcore",ds, tiger woods. It is obvious that you did not get my point. I won't be bothering with your posts any more.

hehe that's okay Esa, since you're missing the forest by commenting on the trees

all you do is nitpick without getting the big you don't have anything to say..^_^

katchi da ne!