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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Monthly Production?

I'm about to write a Wii reselling analysis column and I need some information.

1) How many Wiis are Nintendo producing per month? The last concrete figure I've found is 1.8 million, but I've heard whispers of 2.4 or even 2.8 million/month. Link?

2) What is defined as "America" on VGC? Is it just the US, or does it include Canada/Mexico as well? (or even South America?)




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RolStoppable said:
1) 2.4m, link will be provided by a member who isn't lazy.
2) America on VGC includes the entirety of America, so North and South America.

So you agree then, TWRoO? Thanks for your help. Now if someone could provide a link to that 2.4 million/month figure that would be great.


Currently playing: Civ 6

cdude1034 said:
So you agree then, TWRoO? Thanks for your help. Now if someone could provide a link to that 2.4 million/month figure that would be great.

You're welcome, glad I could help.... shame no-one else did.


This is an article vaio posted here on VGC, which has the 2.4 million figure in..... not exactly directly from Nintendo but it's a start.

Los Angeles Times:,0,6221366.story

(it's part way down, though there is a misquote there saying last year it was at 1.6 million... but the evidence is on the page to work out it's a mistake because it also says "33% increase" which only works with 1.8 to 2.4 million)

Around the Network
TWRoO said:
This is an article vaio posted here on VGC, which has the 2.4 million figure in..... not exactly directly from Nintendo but it's a start.


Thanks. Reading it, it said Nintendo was on schedule to produce 2.4 mil/mo. This article was published 7.22.08, and chances are, they already hit that figure.

What I'm trying to do is calculate a sell-through rate based on shipped vs sold statistics. In order to find out how many units were possibly shipped, I need to know the rate at which Nintendo is producing them. I know I can use NPD's quarterly shipped numbers, but...they're only quarterly stats. lol.

Either way, I appreciate both of your efforts in this matter.


Currently playing: Civ 6

RolStoppable said:
Ha, TWRoO. That cdude guy thinks that you are two people.


And that you don't exist I kid. I thank you too Rol.


Currently playing: Civ 6

Nintendo originally stated their need to increase to 2.4 million in March/April time.... and they intended to do so by July.... so the last 6 months of this year at least will have been at 2.4 million, with the 3 months prior to those (April, May, June) somewhere between 1.8 and 2.4 million.

Hopefully loads.

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