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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Lips was released 2 days ago but not one single review so far ...

Do you think its because reviewers are too scared to play it =P


I really want a review soon but I just think the geekier reviewers will take an instant dislike to the game, and the ones that are crap at it IE crap singers will not really enjoy the game. It's a buy for me though ..


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I can only say games like Lips are lot of fun.  I was wondering to get the game aswell because I love singstar so much.

Was it?

Too many game being released, not enough reviewers. Many casual games (Wii games) have the same problem.

WiiStation360 said:
Too many game being released, not enough reviewers. Many casual games (Wii games) have the same problem.


Thats a shame, will they get around to reviewing it in december when hardly any games are coming out? or just forget it completly?


Around the Network

It got 5/10 from Eurogamer.

EaglesEye379 said:
It got 5/10 from Eurogamer.


I knew as soon as I made this thread reviews would start appearing.


80 & 81 ...


5/10? How bad could a sing along game possibly be? I say that review is bogus.

Another 80 from Videogamer just popped up ... looking good so far :)


"THE VERDICT: While the ability to sing to your own music collection has its problems, overall Lips is absolutely brilliant fun, as well suited to a Saturday morning with the kids as it is a late return from the pub. In the end, that's what this kind of game should be about, and as a rival to SingStar Lips can happily call itself equal."