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Forums - General Discussion - So, Obama not a US citizen lawsuit picking up some steam

Don't worry steve. It will be all right, EVENTU--ALLLLLYYYYYY!!!!!

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Just a quick check, do you believe Obama is foreign, yes or no. No other explanation.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

OK, I'll quickly address a couple of points. Maybe more tonight when I'm at work. As fun as this is, I just can't drag myself away from the awesomeness that is Fallout 3.

It wasn't the supreme court it was a fed. district court, but I won't harrass you because I said appeals court in one of my earlier posts.

Umm, I thought Justice Souter of the supreme court refused to hear his appeal and dissmised it due to lack of standing. I'm not gonna research that part in depth right now.

Travel/immigration records?" Really, why would an American citizen who is travelling into the country have immigration or travel records in 1961?

I guess you never travelled out of the country. But when you eventualy do, those nice people that stamp your passport and take your declarations, that's who they are. They keep records of when you exit and enter the country.

 I am saying it doesn't matter no judge will touch this, for legal and (unstated) political reasons, just like they won't touch Executive authorization of military action.

Boy you got that right. No judge in his right mind would want to touch this case. There was legal precedent for dismiisng the case due to lack of standing, several in fact. But the key is that Keyes has legal standing, and he could force the supreme court to address it.


In addition, Philip J. Berg has legal standing because he is a Constitutional lawyer and not "just a citizen" as his Penns. District SC stated

Nope, sorry he does not have legal standing based on previous court rulings. But who does have standing to file a suit?

Fellow candadites due have legal standing through previous rulings have standing.


More maybe tonight.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

I worded the records part poorly, I was pointing out your use of immigration for his mom.

The Supreme Court never has to take a case. The chief justice has to preside over Presidential Impeachment hearings - but that is just the CJ not the U.S.S.C.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

halogamer1989 said:

edit: My sister is a Law/Education double major @ JMU so I know what I'm talking about.



Don't be that guy.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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@Sqrl: It is called a cell....

In other's another boring day at VGChartz. On to Wally for the weather.......

halogamer1989 said:
@Sqrl: It is called a cell....

In other's another boring day at VGChartz. On to Wally for the weather.......


Sorry its a pet peeve of mine, I really hate appeals to authority.  I'm of the opinion that you should either be willing and able to help others comprehend your position, or don't make it to begin with.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Ah Sqrl but my accomplishments of helping others in the past librarian volunteer for two years, Beta, NHS, campaign work ;) No biggie, sqrl, it was a rushed response anyway--- laundry to do.....

halogamer1989 said:
Ah Sqrl but my accomplishments of helping others in the past librarian volunteer for two years, Beta, NHS, campaign work ;) No biggie, sqrl, it was a rushed response anyway--- laundry to do.....


I'm not trying to quash your arguments or anything, in all honesty I was just reading through to see what the latest evolution to the discussion had brought. And like I said it's one of my pet peeves, and was a recent I responded =P 

I'm not doubting that you know what you're talking about at all actually, I'm just saying "show me", or more accurately "show them".

To Each Man, Responsibility

Well there are several cases on this but the most famous are Berg v. Obama ( and Keyes v. Bowden.

I know the url for Berg seems biased but he is a Democrat and ACLU member, believe it or not.

I have read that according to numerous photographic experts, the factcheck version of the bc is a fraud. Links to various youtube article: