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Forums - General Discussion - So, Obama not a US citizen lawsuit picking up some steam


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WorldNetDaily is not a credible source for anything other than far-right, frothing at the mouth, racist and xenophobic hearsay.

Anyone who reads it (and believes it) should receive psychiatric help.


Tyrannical said:
"Again, unless Keyes has some tangible PROOF that his mother lied, there is no way this goes anywhere. Just accusing someone is not enough."

That's why he is going to court, to get the proof. Obama's doctor signed birth certificate and his mother's travel records from immigration.

Your completely missing my point.  What Obama provided is enough to establish him as a natural born US citizen.  If someone thinks the document is a fraud, they need some proof.  Just saying "I don't believe you, that's a fraud, you need to provide more info", is not enough.


Moongoddess256 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Moongoddess256 said:
If thats so, why the hell would someone push the issue on a technicality like that? Hes obviously American enough for the laws intention.


Well, yes and no. The reason for the law is so no president will feel any allegiance to any foreign power, so from that perspective, he qualifies.

On the other hand, no president in the history of the US has wanted to move us farther away from what our forefathers wanted then Obama, so why that's not the reason for the law, it's slightly relevant.

Oh, and there is that thing about being a country of laws. Some people believe laws should be followed. I am one of them.

The only part of all this that I find suspect, is that he has not showed the documents needed to prove these allegations wrong. well over 50 million people are talking about this, and right now it feels like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Yea, we know you can tell us anything you think we want to hear. Just prove it wrong, and move on.

The man has a 7 page, 60+ question application to become a cabinet member. He even wants to see peoples diary if they have them. If he is going to hold everyone to that standard, then he should hold himself to it. Release your records to your employer (us), and end this.

What our forefathers wanted? You mean freedom from the British?

Hahaha, classic.


This is so stupid I can't believe people are paying attention to it.

His mother is from the United States. It wouldn't matter if she was impregnated by Martians and gave birth on Titan, the doomed moon of Saturn, the offspring of that union would still be a US citizen. Period.

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The problem is not whether he is a US citizen, the problem is is he a "natural born" U.S. Citizen, and not a "naturalized" U.S. Citizen.  To be considered "natural born", you have to be either born in the U.S. to non foreign diplomat parents, or you can be born outside the country with your mother being a U.S. citizen of over 18 years of age.  When Obama was born. his mother was not 18, so he will have to have been born in this country to qualify to be president.  I believe he was born here, and the lawsuit is a total waste of time, but that is what the law is. 

Moongoddess256 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Moongoddess256 said:
If thats so, why the hell would someone push the issue on a technicality like that? Hes obviously American enough for the laws intention.


Well, yes and no. The reason for the law is so no president will feel any allegiance to any foreign power, so from that perspective, he qualifies.

On the other hand, no president in the history of the US has wanted to move us farther away from what our forefathers wanted then Obama, so why that's not the reason for the law, it's slightly relevant.

Oh, and there is that thing about being a country of laws. Some people believe laws should be followed. I am one of them.

The only part of all this that I find suspect, is that he has not showed the documents needed to prove these allegations wrong. well over 50 million people are talking about this, and right now it feels like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Yea, we know you can tell us anything you think we want to hear. Just prove it wrong, and move on.

The man has a 7 page, 60+ question application to become a cabinet member. He even wants to see peoples diary if they have them. If he is going to hold everyone to that standard, then he should hold himself to it. Release your records to your employer (us), and end this.



What our forefathers wanted? You mean freedom from the British?


No, just Freedom.


What Obama is actually working on:

He wants to release prisoner who have not been charged by a crime by Bush.
He wants to end torture by the US.
He wants to revise how the POTUS uses the Patriot Act, getting warrants.
He has limited lobbyists in his administration, more than any president in the last century. The 60 question app is for limitation of power of people in government.

TheRealMafoo's take:
He wants to take away your freedom...

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

damkira said:

WorldNetDaily is not a credible source for anything other than far-right, frothing at the mouth, racist and xenophobic hearsay.

Anyone who reads it (and believes it) should receive psychiatric help.

The Appeal to Ridicule is a fallacy in which ridicule or mockery is substituted for evidence in an "argument."

A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support.

Try not to repeat that error in the future.


Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Tyrannical said:
damkira said:

WorldNetDaily is not a credible source for anything other than far-right, frothing at the mouth, racist and xenophobic hearsay.

Anyone who reads it (and believes it) should receive psychiatric help.

The Appeal to Ridicule is a fallacy in which ridicule or mockery is substituted for evidence in an "argument."

A fallacy is, very generally, an error in reasoning. This differs from a factual error, which is simply being wrong about the facts. To be more specific, a fallacy is an "argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not provide the needed degree of support.

Try not to repeat that error in the future.



 When mockery is used in addition to all the other evidence in this thread, it is just gravy.  Fun, oozie, delicious gravy where people only continue arguing because we want to laugh at what will be said next. 

Like when you said I couldn't read, when I was directly responding to what you had as a header to your post.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.