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Forums - General Discussion - So, Obama not a US citizen lawsuit picking up some steam

@Sqrl He is basing it on the fraudulent template versions Obama has put out.

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Halo, breaking an Indonesian law does not prohibit someone from being the POTUS. You bringing up the Muslim issue is not understood, what does that have to do with citizenship?

Sqrl, no he wouldn't have to see it, he would have to provide some evidence that Obama was born somewhere else.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Also, you do realize that the second line of that Indonesian form says Honolulu 11-4-1961, right?

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:
Also, you do realize that the second line of that Indonesian form says Honolulu 11-4-1961, right?

But if his father, Lolo Soetoro, adopted him as Obama claims, he would automatically forfeit US citizenship as Indonesia did not have a dual citizenship law then.

steven787 said:

Sqrl, no he wouldn't have to see it, he would have to provide some evidence that Obama was born somewhere else.


uhm.....are you being serious?...I'm honestly not sure....

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akuma587 said:

I'll add more fuel to the fire, here is the actual court decision.

Berg v. Obama


It can be argued that if respondent is not permitted to litigate this issue, no one can do so. In a very real sense, the absence of a particular individual or class to litigate these claims gives support to the argument that the subject matter is committed to the surveillance of Congress, and ultimately to the political process.


That was an absolutely incredible read. Thank you akuma587! Will read again! As usual, they stuck the real remedy (as a joke) right there in the middle of the ruling so that nobody but the lawyers would actually read it.

Yes, I am being 100% serious. He wouldn't have to see it to come up with some contrary evidence.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

In all even if Obama is a US citizen which 65% likely chances he is, this gives further credence as to why we have the Electoral College. All differences aside, and all birth certificate legalities aside as well, what if this was to happen down the road with uninformed voters and, dare I say it, the young. A popular vote system could lead the country to elect a possible Manchurian candidate with no checks after Election Day.

Steve, knowing where you stand, if a Republican who was found out to be a citizen of another nation was elected to the highest office in the land, would you raise holy hell? The electoral system is to prevent subtle "incursions" shall I say at a time when the monarchy could easily place a well liked guy in the US and get him elected a la Confederates/Mexico.

halogamer1989 said:

Child Born Before Aug. 01, 2006

Child born before Aug. 01, 2007 is not automatically entile to double citizenship. The citizenship of Indonesia can be obtained through registration by submitting application forms. The application to obtain Indonesian citizenship for your child must be made in writing  using Bahasa Indonesia, on paper affixed with sufficient duty stamp.


So as the italics point out, Obama would either have to hold US or Indonesian citizenship prior to this new law.  He was in a school there and under Islamic law of Indonesia, that would automatically make him an Indonesian citizen.  Obama has not renounced this.



That's not what that says at all. Besides spelling "entitled" wrong, all of what you posted says they are not automatically entitled. Meaning they can still have it, it's just not automatic. Honestly...

I'm putting you in the category of moon landing hoax and the 9/11 conspiracy supporting people.Yes, that ridiculous. I wish I could say everything I wanted to say, but that would get me banned. By all means, continue posting all of this ridiculous right-winged extremist kool-aid. I'm sure it's mighty tasty to the thirsty.

Your guy lost, deal with it.



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I think everyone is missing the point here.

If Obama is disqualfied that means Joe Biden will be president.

No one wants that. He'll just spend all day sexually harrasing the presidential staff and declaring war on countries who think he's stupid just to show them who's really stupid.