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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

NightDragon83 said:
Hey i got a Q guys...

Once you install a game on your HDD, when you put in the game disc for verification, does it have to be the ORIGINAL disc which was copied, or can it be any copy of the game?

Because, my friend has COD4, but his disc has a scratch on it and it doesn't allow him to play the single player portion of the game, only access the multiplayer portion. So I was going to lend him mine, let him install the game, and then simply pop in his copy for authentication purposes.


There's no reason it shouldn't work.


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NNN2004 said:
i think i have a problem ... i installed FarCry2 in the hard disk but when i play i see papers float all over the place also when i shoot someone papers come from him instead of the blood .. i think its a bug in the game but why its come after the install ? .. anyone have the same thing happend to him ?


Similar problem happens to me when I play GTAIV. I find trash randomly floating in midair. But it only happens when I play it as the installed version.

So far, I haven't noticed any problem that actually affects gameplay, but it's definitely something that should be fixed ASAP.

I'm 90% certain it's just something that can be fixed by patching the installation procedure, but I can't be certain. It's possible it's a problem that will always happen when using an installation procedure that the game wasn't designed to utilize.


Gnizmo said:

pbroy said:

Have you tried different themes? I chose 'Night', I thought it looked cool.

 Do they have a decent selection of free ones? The only time I ever played with it all the ones I found cost money. I am much more willing now to part with a couple bucks to fix the interface, but would rather have it done at no extra cost if I can.


Read greenmedic88's post above. There are 4 themes that come with the dashboard: Xbox 360, Spectrum, Day (Premium) and Night (Premium). The Premium themes come with themed backdrops for your Friends Channel. So when you go to your Friends Channel you will see different backdrops behind your friends. Themes that aren't Premium will only have the generic backdrops.



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M$ NEEDS to address the HDD issue, if they really want this thing to take off to higher levels. I'm loving it, and I've got my 126 GB, but I can see it getting low fast, with me downloading alot of games to the HDD.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

The NXE is a nice addition and upgrade from the original Xbox 360 Dashboard setup.

First thing is first, I like the slick design. Everything is so well implemented. From the friends list to the movies to the downloads. What's so exciting is like once you have a title your playing for example Gears of War. I select that title in my games collection it highlights everything about the game, plus it gives you the latest downloads also. Another factor is the avatar, I already fell in love with them. I created my avatar the exact same way I look and it turned out perfect. The options were limited but I know Microsoft will add some more things in the near future. I see that the avatars where more aimed at the casual more so then the hardcore.

The "install 360 games to HDD" is a nice feature. The 360 is quiet there is the sounds going off, no disk drive sounding like a jet plane taking off or anything for that matter. It sounds like your sitting at the NXE opening with no disk inside the drive at all. A nice addition and many gamers have been cravy for that for so long.

It goes back to the day I remember I tried to make the DVD drive quiet myself. It was a way where you would put a disk in the drive that required a update once that update screen came up you would then eject the game and then put in the game you wanted to play and once the update was finished the Xbox 360 would then for some reason play the game you just put in and the drive would then be quiet. that above scenario. It worked but was a hassle. The only gripe I have about the "install 360 games to HDD" is that I have a 20GB HDD. I don't put demos or anything on my drive. I had 13 gigs of space available for me to use. After installing Gears of War on the HDD, I ended up with 6.6 gigs left for me to use. That's not a lot. So I will have to upgrade my drive ASAP real soon.

Other than that the interface is slick. I like the new guide button. You press it and the guide appears in the center of the screen rather from the left of the original. I also like how everything is at a fast response. You select what you want and it goes straight there without any lag.

I love it and will not complain at it. Microsoft did a good job making a nice worthwhile update that every gamer will enjoy. I just think the avatars are going to be pointless to some but will be enjoyed by others.

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Ok, updated impressions.

I installed Mirror's Edge, which was nice since I only had 6GB free when I installed it. Not sure if it affected the load times, but the system is nice and quiet when playing, I love it. Think I'll use this option for most games, gonna try Mass Effect next.

Avatars, kinda meh. I like them, but wish they had more options. I have a feeling they're going to end up selling clothes and crap which would suck, but I don't buy that kind of stuff anyways. It would be nice if you could unlock new items for you avatar with achievements in certain games.

Interface, definitely an improvement all around. Quicker, sleeker, I like it. Good job MS.

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

NNN2004 said:
Coca-Cola said:
signed up with netflix saw three movies.
didn't play any games last night


 how exactly this netflix work ? and there is a chance for it to come to europe ?

Signed up with Netflix on-line.  2 discs at a time for $14.99 a month.

then i get 12,000 movies to stream through xbox.  A lot of good movies there.



Coca-Cola said:
NNN2004 said:
Coca-Cola said:
signed up with netflix saw three movies.
didn't play any games last night


 how exactly this netflix work ? and there is a chance for it to come to europe ?

Signed up with Netflix on-line.  2 discs at a time for $14.99 a month.

then i get 12,000 movies to stream through xbox.  A lot of good movies there.



I did the 1 movie deal for $8.99. I don't think I'll even use it for the dvds. There's already so much available to stream that will keep me occupied.



Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence


I did the same exact thing. I was like what's the point of the other two deals, where the 1 disc thing is only $9 a month and the majority of the time I'm going to be streaming from the server anyway.

Is the friends list still maxed out at 100?

Not like I'm even close to it, just wondering.


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