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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

MontanaHatchet said:
I'm confused. I see lots of people on this site with avatars, and we're supposed to give impressions, but it's not even available for download yet? I'm quite confused.

All the people that signed up got it today, 10,000 got in last week, and many more got invited a few weeks ago.

Also it's an official thread, so "if" you get it give your impressions, so when you get it come back and give your impression..


Like how I gave my impression on it.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

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I will start by saying avatars are more fun than they look, its kinda funny to swirl the stick and make him dizzy, the variety of clothing is great and you can get somebody that closely resembles you.

Installing to the HD is awesome, my room is filled with silence, at last! Not noticed any changein game but I have only played Viva so far so maybe thats why ..

The menus are slicker, smoother and easier to navigate, everything is there and easy to find. The guide button is vastly improoved, it comes up straight away (thank god that awful lag has gone) and it has more functionality than the last guide button.

I can't try out netflix as I am in the UK unfortunatly :(

Overall its 10 times better and makes the 360 feel so much more .... modern and fresh ... I could never go back to the blades now.


I'll let ya'll know tomorrow, once I get back from class i'm powering up my 360 just for this....pretty excited to see how it looks and works...

same here. i was kinda wondering how so many people got the update already

Yea, like Gebx said, is it 10 AM EST?

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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It is now 12:00AM Eastern and nothing.


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I thought they said when you long on Xbox Live on November 19th you will come to downloading the new Xbox Experience.

I got this note from Xbox Live themselves on Xbox Live.

Who knows, I just know my friend got into it yesterday and he was sending me pics via text messaging over my cell phone and man do the NXE look awesome. I'm so anxious to make my own character myself.

And the Netflix thing is pretty awesome, alongside the installing games to the HDD. Now that will quiet down the "jet plane" noise the 360 DVD Drive is famous for. Now we can have a quiet running console in the living rooms. My friend installed Gears 2 on the HDD and he has a 120GB HDD. He said it took him about 10 to 15 minutes for install and it took a chunk of 6 gigs.

pbroy said:
It is now 12:00AM Eastern and nothing.

So then it must be true. We must have to fall asleep pbroy and wake up and download it

That sucks thanks for attempting to. I was just about to turn mine on.

I was able to download Photo Party, from Marketplace, earlier though. But it says, "To use this item, play the game it was downloaded for."


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

What is Photo Party? Is it a Xbox Live Arcade game or something and is it free with achievements?