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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official NXE Reviews & Impressions thread from VGCers

How does the Guide look?

Like when you press the Xbox Guide button on your Xbox 360 controller and it presents the interface. Does it look different?

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I've only tried out one game with the game installs, but wow it made it so much better. I tried out Lost Odyssey and the loading time was soooo much faster (as well as the system being quiet w/no dvd spinning). I have the slow loading JP version and it went much much faster than before! I played for about 2hrs and I really enjoyed playing the game again, Excellent! :D


I know some of these have been posted already but I'll list the file sizes that I have for the games I've installed so far. (I've pretty much been installing games, while I've been checking out web pages, hehe.)

DMC4 - 6.8GB
GTA4 - 6.8GB
Ninja Gaiden 2 - 6.8GB
Gears 2 - 6.7GB
Madden 09 - 6.7GB
COD4 - 6.7GB
Bioshock - 6.1GB
Infinite Undiscovery (DVD#1) - 6.0GB
Tales of Vesperia - 6.0GB
Lost Odyssey (DVD#4) - 5.7GB

I still have about 35GB of free space on my hard drive, hehe.


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"


So basically they install the whole game on the HDD, because the 360 media disc capacity is 9GB. So I guess the HDD takes 6 gigs of the data and leaves some of the rest to the disk to read in the drive.

Makes some sense.

I hate the interface. Enormously. They need to allow us to select the old interface.



Your actually the first person to bring the negativity to the thread. Can you back up on what you don't like about it. That would help out a lot. It says "Official Reviews and impressions". Some insight will help, bro.

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I'm busy installing a couple of my more heavily played games. When I get done, I'll post my full opinion.

I like some of the features, I just hate the interface.


The interface feels much more natural and easier to navigate which is the important thing, but I'm too big of a fan of the look. Too cliche for my taste. Here is where I agree that the look was going for more of the casual market.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

how long does the install take? does it require a reboot after the download?


Nice, I believe the whole avatar thing is targeting the casual. Most Xbox Live users could care less about it.

One question though. When you press the Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller, does the interface look different?

mtofu said:
how long does the install take? does it require a reboot after the download?


Most NXE users said the maximum install time is 5 minutes it could be shorter and yes from what my friend said it would shut down and turn back on.