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Forums - Sony Discussion - Take that trolls !! SOE confirms The Agency still in development.


I would say you must draw a demarcation line in regards to corporate honesty. Once beyond that line any company is absolved of any authority. You must not recognize those companies, in the same way a government does not recognize for instance a terrorist group. For me the question isn't whether the game will or will not exist its whether a good faith contract could exist in the first place. Which is actually the most critical factor in such games.

With this genre of games you are most often buying into a service and not a stand alone product. With this companies propensity towards dishonesty, and more often then not base shenanigans can the player safely engage in a game. Sony Online Entertainment has a spectacular reputation for petty manipulation, and is renowned for its train wrecking fiasco's.

Basically you should not even consider this game to exist in the first place until physical presentation is provided firstly. Then secondly you should not even consider this game as a potential service until such a time as Sony Online Entertainment actually makes real commitments that they are obliged to honor. You should simply have no faith in this title at all so whether it comes to existence is irrelevant.

Around the Network

The agency has hot chicks. That's the only reason why I'll probably get it.

This thread kinda makes me not want to get it though.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

Thank you, have a nice day.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
pbroy said:
The agency has hot chicks. That's the only reason why I'll probably get it.

This thread kinda makes me not want to get it though.


