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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why most 360 and PS3 multi-plat games are the same?


Almost all the PS3 exclusives have gone multi-platform this gen cause the PS3 hasn't sold well.It is difficult and costs more money and time to develop games for the cell processor.Most of the games which are developed for both 360 and PS3 are first developed with 360 as the base platform and then are ported to the PS3 with no change.The reason is that the 360 can't handle the performance of the PS3,that's why the PS3 is not used as the base platform.If you look at the PS3 exclusives,they are much better than the multi platform PS3 games.Once the PS3 begins to sell more,the developers will then start to concentrate on it and the 360 versions will be then just a cut out of the PS3 version with less dynamics like the PS2 games which are developed nowadays

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I think its as simple as the fact that the 360 came out a year earlier and dev kits/engines for the PS3 were late to come out an mature, so you have a lot of the current games planned and had a headstart for the 360. However, new games being planned now, which we will probably see in a year or two from now on, will be balanced between being led on the PS3 or at least planned with the PS3 in mind.

I don't care about miniscule differences between different versions, but I can tolerate no more Orange Box or Lost Planet ports for the PS3. I'll probably get them both, since the Lost Planet port seems playable and Orange Box requires online and I don't want to pay for gold membership, but I really hope they don't happen again.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"


i think the thread title is weird. also, you may want to put spaces in between sentences.

Developing from the PS3 to the 360 is easier for 2 reasons:

1. The CPUS:

Xbox360 uses the Xenon, made by IBM, based in the IBM Power PC, with three symmetrical cores, each two way SMT-capable and clocked at 3.2 GHz
PS3 uses the Cell, made by IBM, Toshiba and Sony, also based in parts on the Power PC but more complex and with high budget, uses one PPE and 8 SPES (The PS3 have 6 SPEs open for devs), all linked by an Element Interconnect Bus and clocked at 3.2 GHz

I can enter deeply in the architecture and developer area, but that's not the point, you only have to know that the Cell is a really complex architecture and relatively new to devs and the Xenon is an architecture more known by devs, besides, a code divided in 3 cores passing it to 1PPE and 6SPEs is more complicated that having code in 1PPE and 6SPEs and passing it to 3 cores...

2. Support:

Microsoft made a strategy to game developers, just like they did with .NET for software developers, they included massive support, Sony started cold with this, and it's been advancing gradually, for example, the UE3 was weak for PS3 until Sony made a deal with Epic to optimize the engine... Now that Sony is doing this, it's becoming clearer to devs which console is more convenient to use as lead...

That's why it's better to use the PS3 as the lead console...

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Million said:

@Twestern Noticed you're very Anti-PS3 not in the sense that you troll but you constantly oppose anything pro-ps3 or support anything anti PS3.

Tip : at least compliment the PS3 every now and then to appear less bias.


On topic the title made me lol.


Cause most PS3 post are bashing the 360 in one way or another.