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Forums - Sony Discussion - Blu-Ray officially cracked!!

I agree with Akuma

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It is that they do not understand, that the great majority of the persons imports a ''cumin'' for them the difinition of a movie, which wants is to put his your ass in a sofa and to see her, be she was whistling or originally.

Not all the public knows or is interested in knowing of discharge difinition of image,ppp,hb .bla, bla, bla, bla ..

Something that has demonstrated the piracy is that it she can come better to the consumer that the original products.

Fewer technisist and better marketing, it was finishing with the piracy.

akuma587 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
d21lewis said:
mr9865 said:
ruibing said:

The recent surveys by DHG showed that the problem with lack of awareness for Blu Ray. A lot of people didn't even know the format war was over. They need to push for the fact that HD streaming and upscaled DVD is not the same as Blu Ray.



I sold a hddvd player on craigslist today, and the buyer didn't know the format was dead.


 We should go into buisness together, robbing from the mis-informed and giving to our favorite Charity!!




The same way many of you were misinformed that PS3 would win the format war, and that blu-ray would have half the marketshare by now?

That's partly a flame, but it's still true. Pretending HD DVD buyers are suckers doesn't change the fact that blu-ray supporters were fooled as well.

Fooled?  New Blu-Ray movies are coming out at an increasingly quicker pace.  More and more types of products and products manufacturers support Blu-Ray.  Movie studios are putting more and more effort into their Blu-Ray releases.  A lot of older titles are coming down in price as the market naturally grows and the number of titles increases.  Player prices are cheaper for those who want to pick up a 2nd player or who have yet to buy one.

If that is being fooled, then I wish I would get fooled more often.

Blu-Ray doesn't have to be creaming DVD for a Blu-Ray owner to be more than happy.  Do some people just not understand this?  DVD wasn't the king of the hill for quite a few years.  It will take Blu-Ray even longer.  But why should I be upset about it if Blu-Ray is getting studio support and electronic manufacturer support?  Its not like I get some sense of fulfillment during the day when Blu-Ray increases its market share.

I don't understand at all how we were fooled into anything, and if we were how has it become a bad thing?


I just wrote the specific points you were fooled on. Those other points don't magically make them untrue, no matter how much you are pretending they do. Nor is it even looking at the context of what I was responding to.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I think I saw a torrent Paprika bd rip last year. When it comes to burning a bd I dunno though.

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largedarryl said:
ruibing said:

The recent surveys by DHG showed that the problem with lack of awareness for Blu Ray. A lot of people didn't even know the format war was over. They need to push for the fact that HD streaming and upscaled DVD is not the same as Blu Ray.


It's a shame that survey's show that the general public isn't capable of telling the difference in most cases.  This coupled with the appropriate resolution vs viewing distance vs tv size show how little most people benefit from 1080p movies.


It also depends on the movie. A lot of them just don't benefit from an enhanced picture at all, including what are probably the most popular movies. However, some movies demand it. It depends mostly on the detail of the set pieces and the level of cinematography involved. Ebert called Baraka "the finest video disc I have ever viewed or ever imagined," and it really shows what the format is capable of. It is definitely not the type of movie the general public would appreciate, though - it's basically a moving slideshow. 

Speaking of which, the movies that defined that genre, the Qatsi trilogy, pretty much demand the highest resolution possible, and haven't even been released on Blu-ray. Why do I always have to end up wanting something I can't have?


Isn't this good news? :p

I've heard many people say that the PS2 also had quite a lot of buyers because it could be modded, chipped and such, and that one could play cracked PS2 games on it.

If this is what happened to blu-ray, the PS3 adoption rate should go up :p

Will this lead to the games being pirated now then?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Will this lead to the games being pirated now then?


not even close.

papflesje said:
Isn't this good news? :p

I've heard many people say that the PS2 also had quite a lot of buyers because it could be modded, chipped and such, and that one could play cracked PS2 games on it.

If this is what happened to blu-ray, the PS3 adoption rate should go up :p

Most pirates would likely use something like a 1TB external HDD, and with the current process technologies scaling quite well - when 2-3TB HDDs become common it won't be an issue for them to store the movies.

