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Forums - General Discussion - So if you knew the world was gonna end in two days.........

So I take it you pissed of Bob The Alien by writing mean comments on his site then? Bad idea lewis, bad idea.


I'd ask the Alien how it was going to happen, and perhaps try having a conversation with him, trying to see if either we could make the humans get away, or find a way to save earth. Also, I'd ask how he speaks English/Norwegian or possibly Spanish.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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The first day I would enjoy a lifetime of sex, the second day I would snort half of Columbia then start the largest brawl ever.


Have a lot of sex =p

Burn the stupid school

Go on a rampage

Steal the best car in my town

and finally Eat a shitload of cake

Marry my gf.

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Give up the cigs. ;)





I'd race the aliens to see who could blow up the world first. I bet I could do it in one day.

Well if people are changing what they'd do now....

I'd have sex with the alien and get it pregnant, and then we'd have to live in mutual peace with our hybrid baby, because aliens give birth in like 1 day. So there. World saved again due to making babies. I'd also kidnap Bill Shatner and have him cut the cord/tentacle/whatever the fuck is there, he'd be the Godfather.

5 - Plough every last one of d21lewis's relatives.
4 - Sleep for a while.
3 - Bash one out over happy memories with d21lewis's relatives.
2 - Sleep for some more.
1 - Go in for a second round.

I don't believe in aliens.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz